13.1.1 Oracle Data Sources

Oracle data sources are defined using JDBC connections. Three types of Oracle JDBC data sources can be defined:

  • A JDBC URL data source with standard Oracle JDCB parameters, which include SID or service name, host, port, and user credentials.
  • A container JDBC data source that can be defined inside the application Server (WebLogic, Tomcat, or others).
  • An Oracle wallet data source that contains the files needed to make the database connection.

The parameters that define an Oracle database data source include:

  • name: A generic name of the data source.
  • type: The data source type. For databases, it must be ‘DATABASE’.
  • description (optional): A generic description of the data source.
  • properties: Specific mapping parameters with values for data source properties:
    • For a JDBC URL:
      • Database SID or service name
      • Host machine
      • Database listening port
      • User name and password credentials
    • For a container data source:
      • JNDI name - Java naming and directory interface (JNDI) name
    • For a wallet data source:
      • A string describing the wallet service
      • User name and password credentials (required if the user credentials are not stored in the wallet)
      • Optional proxy details

      For a cloud wallet it is usually an alias name stored in the tnsnames.ora file, but for a simple wallet it contains the host, port, and service name information.

The following example shows the JSON representation of a JDBC URL data source.

    "name" : "rdfuser_jdbc_sid",
    "type" : "DATABASE",
    "description" : "",
    "properties" : {
	"host" : ""	 
	"sid" : "orcl193"
	"port" : "1524",
	"user" : "rdfuser",
        "password" : "<password>"      

The following example shows the JSON representation of a container data source:

   "name": "rdfuser_ds_ct",
   "type": "DATABASE",
   "description": "Database Container connection",
   "properties": {
       "jndiName": "jdbc/RDFUSER193c"

The following example shows the JSON representation of a wallet data source where the credentials are stored in the wallet:

   "name": "rdfuser_ds_wallet",
   "type": "DATABASE",
   "description": "Database wallet connection",
   "properties": {
       "walletService": "db202002041627_medium"