displays statistical information about the dynamic remastering process of object affinity and read-mostly. All times are given in hundredths of a second, and total values reflect what has been collected since instance startup.
Column | Datatype | Description |
Remaster process type. Possible values:
Total number of dynamic remastering operations |
Total dynamic remastering time |
Total number of objects dynamically remastered due to affinity |
Current number of objects that are marked persistent read-mostly in the cluster |
Total quiesce step time |
Total freeze step time |
Total cleanup step time |
Total replay step time |
Total fixwrite step time |
Total synchronization step time |
Total number of resources cleaned in the cleanup steps |
Total number of locks replayed to other instances in the replay steps |
Total number of locks received from other instances in the replay steps |
Current number of objects remastered on this instance due to affinity or the current number of objects that are marked read-mostly in the cluster |
The ID of the container to which the data pertains. Possible values include: