Reset Passwords to Enforce Case-Sensitivity

For upgraded databases, improve security by using case-sensitive passwords for default user accounts and user accounts.

For greater security, Oracle recommends that you enable case sensitivity in passwords. In Oracle Database 21c and later release, the IGNORECASE parameter for the orapwd file is desupported. All newly created password files are case-sensitive. Case sensitivity increases the security of passwords by requiring that users enter both the correct password string, and the correct case for each character in that string. For example, the password hPP5620qr fails if it is entered as hpp5620QR or hPp5620Qr.

Upgraded password files from earlier Oracle Database releases can retain original case-insensitive passwords. To ensure that password files are case-sensitive, Oracle recommends that you force case sensitivity by migrating password files from one format to another, using the following syntax:

orapwd input_file=input_password _file file=output_password_file

To secure your database, create passwords in a secure fashion. If you have default passwords in your database, then change these passwords. Every password should satisfy the Oracle recommended password requirements, including passwords for predefined user accounts.

For new databases created after the upgrade, there are no additional tasks or management requirements.

Existing Database Requirements and Guidelines for Password Changes

  • Passwords must be at least eight characters, and passwords such as welcome and oracle are not allowed.
  • For existing databases, to take advantage of password case-sensitivity, you must reset the passwords of existing users during the database upgrade procedure. Reset the password for each existing database user with an ALTER USER statement.
  • Query the PASSWORD_VERSIONS column of DBA_USERS to find the USERNAME of accounts that only have the 10G password version, and do not have either the 11G or the 12C password version. Reset the password for any account that has only the 10G password version.