
BITMAP_OR_AGG is an aggregation function that operates on bitmaps and computes the OR of its inputs.

The argument expr must be of type BLOB.

The return type is of type BLOB. It returns the bitmap representing the OR of all the bitmaps it has aggregated.

The output of BITMAP_OR_AGG is not human-readable. It is meant to be processed by further aggregations via BITMAP_OR_AGG or by the scalar function BITMAP_COUNT.

If expr is NULL, the function returns NULL.


The argument must be of type BLOB. The argument is expected to be a bitmap produced by BITMAP_CONSTRUCT_AGG or, recursively, by BITMAP_OR_AGG. Any other input results in ORA-62578:
62578, 00000, "The input is not a valid bitmap produced by BITMAP COUNT DISTINCT related operators."
// *Cause: An attempt was made to pass a bitmap that was not produced by one of the BITMAP COUNT DISTINCT operators.
// *Action: Only pass bitmaps constructed via BITMAP_CONSTRUCT_AGG or BITMAP_OR_AGG to BITMAP COUNT DISTINCT related operators.