22.8 DBFS Content API Creation Operations

You must implement the provider SPI so that when clients invoke the DBFS Content API, it causes the SPI to create directory, file, link, and reference elements (subject to store feature support).

All of the creation methods require a valid path name and can optionally specify properties to be associated with the path name as it is created. It is also possible for clients to fetch back item properties after the creation completes, so that automatically generated properties, such as std_creation_time, are immediately available to clients. The exact set of properties fetched back is controlled by the various prop_xxx bit masks in prop_flags.

Links and references require an additional path name associated with the primary path name. File path names can optionally specify a BLOB value to initially populate the underlying file content, and the provided BLOB may be any valid LOB, either temporary or permanent. On creation, the underlying LOB is returned to the client if prop_data is specified in prop_flags.

Non-directory path names require that their parent directory be created first. Directory path names themselves can be recursively created. This means that the path name hierarchy leading up to a directory can be created in one call.

Attempts to create paths that already exist produce an error, except for path names that are soft-deleted. In these cases, the soft-deleted item is implicitly purged, and the new item creation is attempted.

Stores and their providers that support contentID-based access accept an explicit store name and a NULL path to create a new content element. The contentID generated for this element is available by means of the OPT_CONTENT_ID property. The PROP_OPT property in the prop_flags parameter automatically implies contentID-based creation.

The newly created element may also have an internally generated path name if the FEATURE_LAZY_PATH property is not supported and this path is available by way of the STD_CANONICAL_PATH property.

Only file elements are candidates for contentID-based access.

See Also: