This figure shows three XML architectures: Non-Native XML Processing, Separate Data and Content Servers, and Oracle XML DB.
Non-Native XML Processing – This diagram has a cylinder labeled "RDBMS (Structured Data and Metadata)" and a File System icon labeled "Multimedia and Document Content". Each of these objects is connected to a box labeled "XML Processing and Repository Layer". This box is also connected to a box labeled "Application Server". The Application Server and the RDBMS are each connected to a box labeled "Applications".
Separate Data and Content Servers – This diagram has two cylinders, labeled "RDBMS (Structured Data)" and "XML Repository (Multimedia, Document Content and XML, Metadata)". Each cylinder is connected to a box labeled "Application Server". The Application Server and the RDBMS are each connected to a box labeled "Applications".
Oracle XML DB – This diagram has a cylinder labeled "Oracle XML DB (Multimedia and Document Content, Structured Data, XML, Metadata)". The cylinder is connected to a box labeled "Oracle Application Server" and to a box labeled "Applications". These two boxes are also connected to each other.