207.1.8 UNDO_HEALTH Function

Checks whether there is any problem with the current setting of undo retention and undo tablespace size based on the historical information of a given period and provides recommendations to fix the problem.


If the return value is 0, no problem is found. Otherwise, parameter prob and reco are the problem and recommendation on fixing the problem.

Viewing the output using the historical information in memory:

    prob OUT VARCHAR2,
    reco OUT VARCHAR2,
    rtn1 OUT VARCHAR2,
    retn OUT NUMBER,
    utbs OUT NUMBER); 

Viewing the output using start time and end time:

    prob OUT VARCHAR2,
    reco OUT VARCHAR2,
    rtn1 OUT VARCHAR2,
    retn OUT NUMBER,
    utbs OUT NUMBER)

Viewing the output using begin and end AWR snapshot ID:

    begin_snap IN  NUMBER,
    end_snap   IN  NUMBER,
    prob       OUT VARCHAR2,
    reco       OUT VARCHAR2,
    rtn1       OUT VARCHAR2,
    retn       OUT NUMBER,
    utbs       OUT NUMBER)


Table 207-9 UNDO_HEALTH Function Parameters

Parameter Description


Start time of the given period.


End time of the given period.


Begin snapshot identifier. It is based on historical information in AWR from the begin_snap identifier.


End snapshot identifier. It is based on historical information in AWR until the end_snap identifier.

prob Problem that is being diagnosed.

For example, long running query may fail or undo tablespace cannot satisfy undo_retention.

reco Recommendation for fixing the problem.
rtn1 Rationale for the recommendation.
retn The numerical value of retention if the recommendation is to change retention.
utbs The numerical value of undo tablespace size (in MB) if the recommendation is to change undo tablespace size.