B.1 crsctl query calog

Query the cluster resource activity logs matching specific criteria.


crsctl query calog 
[-aftertime "timestamp"] 
[-beforetime "timestamp"] 
[-days "number_of_days"] 
[-duration "time_interval" | -follow] 
[-filter "filter_expression"] 
[-processname "writer_process"] 
[-processid "writer_process_id"] 
[-node "entity_hostname"] 
[-fullfmt | -xmlfmt]


Table B-1 crsctl query calog Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-aftertime "timestamp"

Displays the activities logged after a specific time.

Specify the timestamp in the YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS[.FF][TZH:TZM] or YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM or YYYY or HH24:MI:SS[.FF][TZH:TZM] format.

TZH and TZM stands for time zone hour and minute, and FF stands for microseconds.

If you specify [TZH:TZM], then the crsctl command assumes UTC as time zone. If you do not specify [TZH:TZM], then the crsctl command assumes the local time zone of the cluster node from where the crsctl command is run.

Use this parameter with -beforetime to query the activities logged at a specific time interval.

-beforetime "timestamp"

Displays the activities logged before a specific time.

Specify the timestamp in the YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS[.FF][TZH:TZM] or YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM or YYYY or HH24:MI:SS[.FF][TZH:TZM] format.

TZH and TZM stands for time zone hour and minute, and FF stands for microseconds.

If you specify [TZH:TZM], then the crsctl command assumes UTC as time zone. If you do not specify [TZH:TZM], then the crsctl command assumes the local time zone of the cluster node from where the crsctl command is run.

Use this parameter with -aftertime to query the activities logged at a specific time interval.

-days "number_of_days"

Displays the activities logged in the last number of days specified. The number of days are specified as an integer value.

-duration "time_interval" | -follow

Use -duration to specify a time interval that you want to query when you use the -aftertime parameter.

Specify the timestamp in the DD HH:MM:SS format.

Use -follow to display a continuous stream of activities as they occur.

-filter "filter_expression"

Query any number of fields in the cluster resource activity log using the -filter parameter.

To specify multiple filters, use a comma-delimited list of filter expressions surrounded by double quotation marks ("").

-processname "writer_process"

Displays the activities logged by a specific process identified by name.

-processid "writer_process_id"

Displays the activities logged by a specific process identified by ID.

-node "entity_hostname"

Displays the activities logged by a specific host.

-fullfmt | -xmlfmt

To display cluster resource activity log data, choose full or XML format.

Cluster Resource Activity Log Fields

Query any number of fields in the cluster resource activity log using the -filter parameter.

Table B-2 Cluster Resource Activity Log Fields

Field Description Use Case

The time when the cluster resource activities were logged.

Use this filter to query all the activities logged at a specific time.

This is an alternative to -aftertime, -beforetime, and -duration command parameters.


The ID of the process that is writing to the cluster resource activity log.

Query only the activities spawned by a specific process.


The name of the process that is writing to the cluster resource activity log.

When you query a specific process, CRSCTL returns all the activities for a specific process.


The name of the user who is writing to the cluster resource activity log.

Query all the activities written by a specific user.


The name of the group to which a user belongs who is writing to the cluster resource activity log.

Query all the activities written by users belonging to a specific user group.


The name of the host on which the cluster resource activity log is written.

Query all the activities written by a specific host.


The name of the cluster on which the cluster resource activity log is written.

Query all the activities written by a specific cluster.


The product of the NLS message, for example, CRS, ORA, or srvm.

Query all the activities that have a specific product name.


The facility of the NLS message, for example, CRS or PROC.

Query all the activities that have a specific facility name.


The ID of the NLS message, for example 42008.

Query all the activities that have a specific message ID.


The number of fields in the NLS message.

Query all the activities that correspond to NLS messages with more than, less than, or equal to nls_field_count command parameters.


The first field of the NLS message.

Query all the activities that match the first parameter of an NLS message.


The type of the first field in the NLS message.

Query all the activities that match a specific type of the first parameter of an NLS message.


The format of the NLS message, for example, Resource '%s' has been modified.

Query all the activities that match a specific format of an NLS message.


The entire NLS message that was written to the cluster resource activity log, for example, Resource 'ora.cvu' has been modified.

Query all the activities that match a specific NLS message.


The unique activity ID of every cluster activity log.

Query all the activities that match a specific ID.

Also, specify only partial actid and list all activities where the actid is a subset of the activity ID.


Confirms if the activity is planned or not.

For example, if a user issues the command crsctl stop crs on a node, then the stack stops and resources bounce.

Running the crsctl stop crs command generates activities and logged in the calog. Since this is a planned action, the is_planned field is set to true (1).

Otherwise, the is_planned field is set to false (0).

Query all the planned or unplanned activities.


The name of the user on behalf of whom the cluster activity log is written.

Query all the activities written on behalf of a specific user.


Confirms if the entity for which the calog activities are being logged is an oracle entity or not.

If a resource, such as ora.***, is started or stopped, for example, then all those activities are logged in the cluster resource activity log.

Since ora.*** is an Oracle entity, the entity_isoraentity field is set to true (1).

Otherwise the entity_isoraentity field is set to false (0).

Query all the activities logged by Oracle or non-Oracle entities.


The type of the entity, such as server, for which the cluster activity log is written.

Entity types that can be used to filter activities

  • resource
  • resource_type
  • resource_group
  • server_category
  • ohasd - activities generated by ohasd and resources it manages
  • crsd - activities generated by crsd and resources it manages

In addition, GI components can choose to use their own names for entities when they write to activity log.

Query all the activities that match a specific entity.


The name of the entity, for example, foo for which the cluster activity log is written.

Query all the cluster activities that match a specific entity name.


The name of the host, for example, node1, associated with the entity for which the cluster activity log is written.

Query all the cluster activities that match a specific host name.


The name of the cluster, for example, cluster1 associated with the entity for which the cluster activity log is written.

Query all the cluster activities that match a specific cluster name.


Usage Notes

  • Combine simple filters into expressions called expression filters using Boolean operators.
  • Enclose timestamps and time intervals in double quotation marks ("").
  • Enclose the filter expressions in double quotation marks ("").
  • Enclose the values that contain parentheses or spaces in single quotation marks ('').
  • If no matching records are found, then the Oracle Clusterware Control (CRSCTL) utility displays the following message:
    CRS-40002: No activities match the query.


Examples of filters include:

  • "writer_user==root": Limits the display to only root user.
  • "customer_data=='GEN_RESTART@SERVERNAME(rwsbi08)=StartCompleted~'" : Limits the display to customer_data that has the specified value GEN_RESTART@SERVERNAME(node1)=StartCompleted~.
To query all the resource activities and display the output in full format:
$ crsctl query calog -fullfmt

timestamp               : 2016-09-27 17:55:43.152000
writer_process_id       : 6538
writer_process_name     : crsd.bin
writer_user             : root
writer_group            : root
writer_hostname         : node1
writer_clustername      : cluster1-mb1
customer_data           : CHECK_RESULTS=-408040060~
nls_product             : CRS
nls_facility            : CRS
nls_id                  : 2938
nls_field_count         : 1
nls_field1              : ora.cvu
nls_field1_type         : 25
nls_field1_len          : 0
nls_format              : Resource '%s' has been modified.
nls_message             : Resource 'ora.cvu' has been modified.
actid                   : 14732093665106538/1816699/1
is_planned              : 1
onbehalfof_user         : grid
onbehalfof_hostname     : node1
entity_isoraentity      : 1
entity_type             : resource
entity_name             : ora.cvu
entity_hostname         : node1
entity_clustername      : cluster1-mb1
nls_severity            : INFO
To query all the resource activities and display the output in XML format:
$ crsctl query calog -xmlfmt

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <timestamp>2016-09-27 17:55:43.152000</timestamp>
    <nls_format>Resource '%s' has been modified.</nls_format>
    <nls_message>Resource 'ora.cvu' has been modified.</nls_message>
To query resource activities for a two-hour interval after a specific time and display the output in XML format:
$ crsctl query calog -aftertime "2016-09-28 17:55:43" -duration "0 02:00:00" -xmlfmt
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <timestamp>2016-09-28 17:55:45.992000</timestamp>
    <nls_format>Resource '%s' has been modified.</nls_format>
    <nls_message>Resource 'ora.cvu' has been modified.</nls_message>
To query resource activities at a specific time:
$ crsctl query calog -filter "timestamp=='2016-09-28 17:55:45.992000'"

2016-09-28 17:55:45.992000 : node1 : INFO : Resource 'ora.cvu' has been modified. : 14732093665106538/1942009/1 :

To query resource activities using filters writer_user and customer_data:

$ crsctl query calog -filter "writer_user==root AND customer_data=='GEN_RESTART@SERVERNAME(node1)=StartCompleted~'" -fullfmt


$ crsctl query calog -filter "(writer_user==root) AND (customer_data=='GEN_RESTART@SERVERNAME(node1)=StartCompleted~')" -fullfmt
timestamp               : 2016-09-15 17:42:57.517000
writer_process_id       : 6538
writer_process_name     : crsd.bin
writer_user             : root
writer_group            : root
writer_hostname         : node1
writer_clustername      : cluster1-mb1
customer_data           : GEN_RESTART@SERVERNAME(rwsbi08)=StartCompleted~
nls_product             : CRS
nls_facility            : CRS
nls_id                  : 2938
nls_field_count         : 1
nls_field1              : ora.testdb.db
nls_field1_type         : 25
nls_field1_len          : 0
nls_format              : Resource '%s' has been modified.
nls_message             : Resource 'ora.devdb.db' has been modified.
actid                   : 14732093665106538/659678/1
is_planned              : 1
onbehalfof_user         : oracle
onbehalfof_hostname     : node1
entity_isoraentity      : 1
entity_type             : resource
entity_name             : ora.testdb.db
entity_hostname         : node1
entity_clustername      : cluster1-mb1
nls_severity            : INFO
To query all the calogs that were generated after UTC+08:00 time "2016-11-15 22:53:08":
$ crsctl query calog -aftertime "2016-11-15 22:53:08+08:00"
To query all the calogs that were generated after UTC-08:00 time "2016-11-15 22:53:08":
$ crsctl query calog -aftertime "2016-11-15 22:53:08-08:00"
To query all the calogs by specifying the timestamp with microseconds:
$ crsctl query calog -aftertime "2016-11-16 01:07:53.063000"
2016-11-16 01:07:53.558000 : node1 : INFO : Resource 'ora.cvu' has been modified. : 14792791129816600/2580/7 :
2016-11-16 01:07:53.562000 : node2 : INFO : Clean of 'ora.cvu' on 'node2' succeeded : 14792791129816600/2580/8 :
To query all the activities that were written by a specific process by name:
$  crsctl query calog -processname crsd.bin

2016-11-16 01:07:53.558000 : node1 : INFO : Resource 'ora.cvu' has been modified. : 14792791129816600/2580/7 :
2016-11-16 01:07:53.562000 : node2 : INFO : Clean of 'ora.cvu' on 'node2' succeeded : 14792791129816600/2580/8 :
To query all the activities that were written by a specific process by ID:
$ crsctl query calog -processid 6538

2016-11-16 01:07:53.558000 : node1 : INFO : Resource 'ora.cvu' has been modified. : 14792791129816600/2580/7 :
2016-11-16 01:07:53.562000 : node2 : INFO : Clean of 'ora.cvu' on 'node2' succeeded : 14792791129816600/2580/8 :
To query all the activities that were written by a specific node:
$ crsctl query calog -node node2
2016-11-16 01:07:53.562000 : node2 : INFO : Clean of 'ora.cvu' on 'node2' succeeded : 14792791129816600/2580/8 :