3.3 Operating System Metrics Collected by Cluster Health Monitor

Review the metrics collected by CHM.

Overview of Metrics

CHM groups the operating system data collected into a Nodeview. A Nodeview is a grouping of metric sets where each metric set contains detailed metrics of a unique system resource.

Brief description of metric sets are as follows:

  • CPU metric set: Metrics for top 127 CPUs sorted by usage percentage
  • Device metric set: Metrics for 127 devices that include ASM/VD/OCR along with those having a high average wait time
  • Process metric set: Metrics for 127 processes
    • Top 25 CPU consumers (idle processes not reported)
    • Top 25 Memory consumers (RSS < 1% of total RAM not reported)
    • Top 25 I/O consumers
    • Top 25 File Descriptors consumers (helps to identify top inode consumers)
    • Process Aggregation: Metrics summarized by foreground and background processes for all Oracle Database and Oracle ASM instances
  • Network metric set: Metrics for 16 NICS that include public and private interconnects
  • NFS metric set: Metrics for 32 NFS ordered by round trip time
  • Protocol metric set: Metrics for protocol groups TCP, UDP, and IP
  • Filesystem metric set: Metrics for filesystem utilization
  • Critical resources metric set: Metrics for critical system resource utilization
    • CPU Metrics: system-wide CPU utilization statistics
    • Memory Metrics: system-wide memory statistics
    • Device Metrics: system-wide device statistics distinct from individual device metric set
    • NFS Metrics: Total NFS devices collected every 30 seconds
    • Process Metrics: system-wide unique process metrics

CPU Metric Set

Contains metrics from all CPU cores ordered by usage percentage.

Table 3-1 CPU Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
system [%] Percentage of CPU utilization occurred while running at the system level (kernel).
user [%] Percentage of CPU utilization occurred while running at the user level (application).
usage [%] Total utilization (system[%] + user[%]).
nice [%] Percentage of CPU utilization occurred while running at the user level with nice priority.
ioWait [%] Percentage of time that the CPU was idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.
steal [%] Percentage of time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU while the hypervisor was servicing another virtual processor.

Device Metric Set

Contains metrics from all disk devices/partitions ordered by their service time in milliseconds.

Table 3-2 Device Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
ioR [KB/s] Amount of data read from the device.
ioW [KB/s] Amount of data written to the device.
numIOs [#/s] Average disk I/O operations.
qLen [#] Number of I/O queued requests, that is, in a wait state.
aWait [msec] Average wait time per I/O.
svcTm [msec] Average service time per I/O request.
util [%] Percent utilization of the device (same as '%util metric from the iostat -x command. Represents the percentage of time device was active).

Process Metric Set

Contains multiple categories of summarized metric data computed across all system processes.

Table 3-3 Process Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
pid Process ID.
pri Process priority (raw value from the operating system).
psr The processor that process is currently assigned to or running on.
pPid Parent process ID.
nice Nice value of the process.
state State of the process. For example, R->Running, S->Interruptible sleep, and so on.
class Scheduling class of the process. For example, RR->RobinRound, FF->First in First out, B->Batch scheduling, and so on.
fd [#] Number of file descriptors opened by this process, which is updated every 30 seconds.
name Name of the process.
cpu [%] Process CPU utilization across cores. For example, 50% => 50% of single core, 400% => 100% usage of 4 cores.
thrds [#] Number of threads created by this process.
vmem [KB] Process virtual memory usage (KB).
shMem [KB] Process shared memory usage (KB).
rss [KB] Process memory-resident set size (KB).
ioR [KB/s] I/O read in kilobytes per second.
ioW [KB/s] I/O write in kilobytes per second.
ioT [KB/s] I/O total in kilobytes per second.
cswch [#/s] Context switch per second. Collected only for a few critical Oracle Database processes.
nvcswch [#/s] Non-voluntary context switch per second. Collected only for a few critical Oracle Database processes.
cumulativeCpu [ms] Amount of CPU used so far by the process in microseconds.

NIC Metric Set

Contains metrics from all network interfaces ordered by their total rate in kilobytes per second.

Table 3-4 NIC Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
name Name of the interface.
tag Tag for the interface, for example, public, private, and so on.
mtu [B] Size of the maximum transmission unit in bytes supported for the interface.
rx [Kbps] Average network receive rate.
tx [Kbps] Average network send rate.
total [Kbps] Average network transmission rate (rx[Kb/s] + tx[Kb/s]).
rxPkt [#/s] Average incoming packet rate.
txPkt [#/s] Average outgoing packet rate.
pkt [#/s] Average rate of packet transmission (rxPkt[#/s] + txPkt[#/s]).
rxDscrd [#/s] Average rate of dropped/discarded incoming packets.
txDscrd [#/s] Average rate of dropped/discarded outgoing packets.
rxUnicast [#/s] Average rate of unicast packets received.
rxNonUnicast [#/s] Average rate of multicast packets received.
dscrd [#/s] Average rate of total discarded packets (rxDscrd + txDscrd).
rxErr [#/s] Average error rate for incoming packets.
txErr [#/s] Average error rate for outgoing packets.
Err [#/s] Average error rate of total transmission (rxErr[#/s] + txErr[#/s]).

NFS Metric Set

Contains top 32 NFS ordered by round trip time. This metric set is collected once every 30 seconds.

Table 3-5 NFS Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
op [#/s] Number of read/write operations issued to a filesystem per second.
bytes [#/sec] Number of bytes read/write per second from a filesystem.
rtt [s] This is the duration from the time that the client's kernel sends the RPC request until the time it receives the reply.
exe [s] This is the duration from that NFS client does the RPC request to its kernel until the RPC request is completed, this includes the RTT time above.
retrains [%] This is the retransmission's frequency in percentage.

Protocol Metric Set

Contains specific metrics for protocol groups TCP, UDP, and IP. Metric values are cumulative since the system starts.

Table 3-6 TCP Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
failedConnErr [#] Number of times that TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times that TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.
estResetErr [#] Number of times that TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
segRetransErr [#] Total number of TCP segments retransmitted.
rxSeg [#] Total number of TCP segments received on TCP layer.
txSeg [#] Total number of TCP segments sent from TCP layer.

Table 3-7 UDP Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
unkPortErr [#] Total number of received datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.
rxErr [#] Number of received datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.
rxPkt [#] Total number of packets received.
txPkt [#] Total number of packets sent.

Table 3-8 IP Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
ipHdrErr [#] Number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IPv4 headers.
addrErr [#] Number of input datagrams discarded because the IPv4 address in their IPv4 header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity.
unkProtoErr [#] Number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
reasFailErr [#] Number of failures detected by the IPv4 reassembly algorithm.
fragFailErr [#] Number of IPv4 discarded datagrams due to fragmentation failures.
rxPkt [#] Total number of packets received on IP layer.
txPkt [#] Total number of packets sent from IP layer.

Filesystem Metric Set

Contains metrics for filesystem utilization. Collected only for GRID_HOME filesystem.

Table 3-9 Filesystem Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
mount Mount point.
type Filesystem type, for example, etx4.
tag Filsystem tag, for example, GRID_HOME.
total [KB] Total amount of space (KB).
used [KB] Amount of used space (KB).
avbl [KB] Amount of available space (KB).
used [%] Percentage of used space.
ifree [%] Percentage of free file nodes.

System Metric Set

Contains a summarized metric set of critical system resource utilization.

Table 3-10 CPU Metrics

Metric Name (units) Description
pCpus [#] Number of physical processing units in the system.
Cores [#] Number of cores for all CPUs in the system.
vCpus [#] Number of logical processing units in the system.
cpuHt CPU Hyperthreading enabled (Y) or disabled (N).
osName Name of the operating system.
chipName Name of the chip of the processing unit.
system [%] Percentage of CPUs utilization that occurred while running at the system level (kernel).
user [%] Percentage of CPUs utilization that occurred while running at the user level (application).
usage [%] Total CPU utilization (system[%] + user[%]).
nice [%] Percentage of CPUs utilization occurred while running at the user level with NICE priority.
ioWait [%] Percentage of time that the CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.
Steal [%] Percentage of time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPUs while the hypervisor was servicing another virtual processor.
cpuQ [#] Number of processes waiting in the run queue within the current sample interval.
loadAvg1 Average system load calculated over time of one minute.
loadAvg5 Average system load calculated over of time of five minutes.
loadAvg15 Average system load calculated over of time of 15 minutes. High load averages imply that a system is overloaded; many processes are waiting for CPU time.
Intr [#/s] Number of interrupts occurred per second in the system.
ctxSwitch [#/s] Number of context switches that occurred per second in the system.

Table 3-11 Memory Metrics

Metric Name (units) Description
totalMem [KB] Amount of total usable RAM (KB).
freeMem [KB] Amount of free RAM (KB).
avblMem [KB] Amount of memory available to start a new process without swapping.
shMem [KB] Memory used (mostly) by tmpfs.
swapTotal [KB] Total amount of physical swap memory (KB).
swapFree [KB] Amount of swap memory free (KB).
swpIn [KB/s] Average swap in rate within the current sample interval (KB/sec).
swpOut [KB/s] Average swap-out rate within the current sample interval (KB/sec).
pgIn [#/s] Average page in rate within the current sample interval (pages/sec).
pgOut [#/s] Average page out rate within the current sample interval (pages/sec).
slabReclaim [KB] The part of the slab that might be reclaimed such as caches.
buffer [KB] Memory used by kernel buffers.
Cache [KB] Memory used by the page cache and slabs.
bufferAndCache [KB] Total size of buffer and cache (buffer[KB] + Cache[KB]).
hugePageTotal [#] Total number of huge pages present in the system for the current sample interval.
hugePageFree [KB] Total number of free huge pages in the system for the current sample interval.
hugePageSize [KB] Size of one huge page in KB, depends on the operating system version. Typically the same for all samples for a particular host.

Table 3-12 Device Metrics

Metric Name (units) Description
disks [#] Number of disks configured in the system.
ioR [KB/s] Aggregate read rate across all devices.
ioW [KB/s] Aggregate write rate across all devices.
numIOs [#/s] Aggregate I/O operation rate across all devices.

Table 3-13 NFS Metrics

Metric Name (units) Description
nfs [#] Total NFS devices.

Table 3-14 Process Metrics

Metric Name (units) Description
fds [#] Number of open file structs in system.
procs [#] Number of processes.
rtProcs [#] Number of real-time processes.
procsInDState Number of processes in uninterruptible sleep.
sysFdLimit [#] System limit on a number of file structs.
procsOnCpu [#] Number of processes currently running on CPU.
procsBlocked [#] Number of processes waiting for some event/resource becomes available, such as for the completion of an I/O operation.

Process Aggregates Metric Set

Contains aggregated metrics for all processes by process groups.

Table 3-15 Process Aggregates Metric Set

Metric Name (units) Description
DBBG User Oracle Database background process group.
DBFG User Oracle Database foreground process group.
MDBBG MGMTDB background processes group.
MDBFG MGMTDB foreground processes group.
ASMBG ASM background processes group.
ASMFG ASM foreground processes group.
IOXBG IOS background processes group.
IOXFG IOS foreground processes group.
APXBG APX background processes group.
APXFG APX foreground processes group.
CLUST Clusterware processes group.
OTHER Default group.

For each group, the below metrics are aggregated to report a group summary.

Metric Name (units) Description
processes [#] Total number of processes in the group.
cpu [%] Aggregated CPU utilization.
rss [KB] Aggregated resident set size.
shMem [KB] Aggregated shared memory usage.
thrds [#] Aggregated thread count.
fds [#] Aggregated open file-descriptor.
cpuWeight [%] Contribution of the group in overall CPU utilization of the machine.