B CATSEARCH Query Application
This appendix describes how to build a simple web search application by using the CATSEARCH
index type.
This appendix contains the following topics:
The Oracle Text indextypeCTXCAT
deprecated with Oracle Database 23ai. The indextype itself, and it's operator
, can be removed in a future release.Both CTXCAT
and the use of
grammar as an alternative grammar for CONTEXT
queries is deprecated. Instead, Oracle recommends that you use the CONTEXT
indextype, which can provide all the same functionality, except that it is not
transactional. Near-transactional behavior in CONTEXT
can be achieved by
or, preferably, SYNC(EVERY [time-period])
with a short time period.
was introduced when indexes were
typically a few megabytes in size. Modern, large indexes, can be difficult to manage with
. The addition of index sets to CTXCAT
can be
achieved more effectively by the use of FILTER BY
columns, or SDATA
, or both, in the CONTEXT
indextype. CTXCAT
is therefore rarely an appropriate choice. Oracle
recommends that you choose the more efficient CONTEXT
B.1 CATSEARCH Web Query Application Overview
index type is well suited for merchandise catalogs that have short, descriptive text fragments and associated structured data. This appendix describes how to build a browser-based bookstore catalog that users can search to find titles and prices.
This application is written in JavaServer Pages (JSP).
B.2 The JSP Web Application
This application is based on JavaServer pages (JSP) and has the following requirements:
Your Oracle Database must be up and running.
A web server such as Apache Tomcat, which is can run JSP scripts that connect to the Oracle Database by using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
See Also:
Oracle Database 2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide for information about installing Apache HTTP Server
This section contains the following topics:
B.2.1 Building the JSP Web Application
This application models an online bookstore, where you can look up book titles and prices.
To create the JavaServer Pages (JSP) web application:
Figure B-1 Screenshot of the Web Query Application
Description of "Figure B-1 Screenshot of the Web Query Application"
B.2.2 JSP Web Application Sample Code
This section lists the code used to build the example web application. It includes the following files:
B.2.2.1 loader.ctl
LOAD DATA INFILE 'loader.dat' INTO TABLE book_catalog REPLACE FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' (id, title, publisher, price)
B.2.2.2 loader.dat
1; A History of Goats; SPINDRIFT BOOKS; 50 2; Robust Recipes Inspired by Eating Too Much; SPINDRIFT BOOKS; 28 3; Atlas of Greenland History; SPINDRIFT BOOKS; 35 4; Bed and Breakfast Guide to Greenland; SPINDRIFT BOOKS; 37 5; Quitting Your Job and Running Away; SPINDRIFT BOOKS; 25 6; Best Noodle Shops of Omaha; SPINDRIFT BOOKS; 28 7; Complete Book of Toes; SPINDRIFT BOOKS; 16 8; Complete Idiot's Guide to Nuclear Technology; SPINDRIFT BOOKS; 28 9; Java Programming for Woodland Animals; BIG LITTLE BOOKS; 10 10; Emergency Surgery Tips and Tricks; SPOT-ON PUBLISHING; 10 11; Programming with Your Eyes Shut; KLONDIKE BOOKS; 10 12; English in Twelve Minutes; WRENCH BOOKS 11 13; Spanish in Twelve Minutes; WRENCH BOOKS 11 14; C++ Programming for Woodland Animals; CALAMITY BOOKS; 12 15; Oracle Internet Application Server, Enterprise Edition; KANT BOOKS; 12 16; Oracle Internet Developer Suite; SPAMMUS BOOK CO;13 17; Telling the Truth to Your Pets; IBEX BOOKS INC; 13 18; Go Ask Alice's Restaurant; HUMMING BOOKS; 13 19; Life Begins at 93; CALAMITY BOOKS; 17 20; Python Programming for Snakes; BALLAST BOOKS; 14 21; The Second-to-Last Mohican; KLONDIKE BOOKS; 14 22; Eye of Horus; An Oracle of Ancient Egypt; BIG LITTLE BOOKS; 15 23; Introduction to Sitting Down; IBEX BOOKS INC; 15
B.2.2.3 catalogSearch.jsp
<%@ page import="java.sql.* , oracle.jsp.dbutil.*" %> <jsp:useBean id="name" class="oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString" scope="request" > <jsp:setProperty name="name" property="value" param="v_query" /> </jsp:useBean> <% String connStr="jdbc:oracle:thin:@machine-domain-name:1521:dev"; java.util.Properties info = new java.util.Properties(); Connection conn = null; ResultSet rset = null; Statement stmt = null; if (name.isEmpty() ) { %> <html> <title>Catalog Search</title> <body> <center> <form method=post> Search for book title: <input type=text name="v_query" size=10> where publisher is <select name="v_publisher"> <option value="ADDISON WESLEY">ADDISON WESLEY <option value="HUMMING BOOKS">HUMMING BOOKS <option value="WRENCH BOOKS">WRENCH BOOKS <option value="SPOT-ON PUBLISHING">SPOT-ON PUBLISHING <option value="SPINDRIFT BOOKS">SPINDRIFT BOOKS <option value="KLONDIKE BOOKS">KLONDIKE BOOKS <option value="CALAMITY BOOKS">CALAMITY BOOKS <option value="IBEX BOOKS INC">IBEX BOOKS INC <option value="BIG LITTLE BOOKS">BIG LITTLE BOOKS </select> and price is <select name="v_op"> <option value="=">= <option value="<">< <option value=">">> </select> <input type=text name="v_price" size=2> <input type=submit value="Search"> </form> </center> <hr> </body> </html> <% } else { String v_query = request.getParameter("v_query"); String v_publisher = request.getParameter("v_publisher"); String v_price = request.getParameter("v_price"); String v_op = request.getParameter("v_op"); %> <html> <title>Catalog Search</title> <body> <center> <form method=post action="catalogSearch.jsp"> Search for book title: <input type=text name="v_query" value= <%= v_query %> size=10> where publisher is <select name="v_publisher"> <option value="ADDISON WESLEY">ADDISON WESLEY <option value="HUMMING BOOKS">HUMMING BOOKS <option value="WRENCH BOOKS">WRENCH BOOKS <option value="SPOT-ON PUBLISHING">SPOT-ON PUBLISHING <option value="SPINDRIFT BOOKS">SPINDRIFT BOOKS <option value="KLONDIKE BOOKS">KLONDIKE BOOKS <option value="CALAMITY BOOKS">CALAMITY BOOKS <option value="IBEX BOOKS INC">IBEX BOOKS INC <option value="BIG LITTLE BOOKS">BIG LITTLE BOOKS </select> and price is <select name="v_op"> <option value="=">= <option value="<">< <option value=">">> </select> <input type=text name="v_price" value= <%= v_price %> size=2> <input type=submit value="Search"> </form> </center> <% try { DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver() ); info.put ("user", "ctxdemo"); info.put ("password","ctxdemo"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connStr,info); stmt = conn.createStatement(); String theQuery = request.getParameter("v_query"); String thePrice = request.getParameter("v_price"); // select id,title // from book_catalog // where catsearch (title,'Java','price >10 order by price') > 0 // select title // from book_catalog // where catsearch(title,'Java','publisher = ''CALAMITY BOOKS'' and price < 40 order by price' )>0 String myQuery = "select title, publisher, price from book_catalog where catsearch(title, '"+theQuery+"', 'publisher = ''"+v_publisher+"'' and price "+v_op+thePrice+" order by price' ) > 0"; rset = stmt.executeQuery(myQuery); String color = "ffffff"; String myTitle = null; String myPublisher = null; int myPrice = 0; int items = 0; while (rset.next()) { myTitle = (String)rset.getString(1); myPublisher = (String)rset.getString(2); myPrice = (int)rset.getInt(3); items++; if (items == 1) { %> <center> <table border="0"> <tr bgcolor="#6699CC"> <th>Title</th> <th>Publisher</th> <th>Price</th> </tr> <% } %> <tr bgcolor="#<%= color %>"> <td> <%= myTitle %></td> <td> <%= myPublisher %></td> <td> $<%= myPrice %></td> </tr> <% if (color.compareTo("ffffff") == 0) color = "eeeeee"; else color = "ffffff"; } } catch (SQLException e) { %> <b>Error: </b> <%= e %><p> <% } finally { if (conn != null) conn.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); if (rset != null) rset.close(); } %> </table> </center> </body> </html> <% } %>