About Oracle Grid Infrastructure to Manage Oracle RAC Databases

An Oracle Grid Infrastructure deployment to manage Oracle RAC databases hosts all Oracle Grid Infrastructure services and Oracle ASM locally and requires direct access to shared storage.

Oracle Grid Infrastructure deployment to manage Oracle RAC databases contain multiple cluster nodes. The number of nodes in a cluster can be as many as 64. The cluster nodes can host different types of applications. Oracle Grid Infrastructure nodes are tightly connected, and have direct access to shared storage. Shared storage is locally mounted on each of the cluster nodes, with an Oracle ASM instance or a shared file system location available to all the nodes.


Starting with Oracle Database Release 23ai, Oracle Quality of Service Management (QoSM, or QoS Management) is desupported.

When you deploy Oracle Grid Infrastructure to manage Oracle RAC databases, you can also choose to configure it as an Oracle Extended cluster. An Oracle Extended Cluster consists of nodes that are located in multiple locations or sites.