
The -configureCluster command configures Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster software on the specified set of cluster nodes.

Syntax -configureCluster {(-OSDBA sysdba_group -OSASM osasm_group -OSOPER osoper_group)} 
-ORACLE_BASE Oracle_base_dir -clusterName cluster_name -networkInterfaceList interface_name_with_usage_value 
[-clusterUsage <RAC | GENERAL_PURPOSE>] [-configureAsExtendedCluster -sites site_names] {[-scanName scan_name -scanPort scan_port]} 
| [-scanClientDataFile client_data_file_path]} [-configureGNS {-gnsVIPAddress GNS_VIP -gnsSubDomain GNS_subdomain} [-configureDHCPAssignedVIPs]] [-clusterNodes list_of_node_names] 
[-storageOption <FLEX_ASM_STORAGE | CLIENT_ASM_STORAGE | FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE> {[-diskGroupName disk_group_name {-diskList list_of_disks |
-disksWithFailureGroupNames failure_group_disk_names -failureGroups failure_group_names -quorumFailureGroupNames quorum_failure_groups} 
[-redundancy <NORMAL | HIGH | EXTERNAL | FLEX | EXTENDED>] [-auSize <1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16>] [-diskString disk_discovery_string] [-configureAFD] 
[-backupDGName OCR_backup_disk_group_name {-backupDGDiskList backup_DG_disk_list | -backupDGDisksWithFailureGroupNames 
-backupDGFailureGroups backup_DG_failure_group_name -backupDGQuorumFailureGroups backup_quorum_failure_groups}]]
| [-clientDataFile client_data_file] | [-ocrLocations OCR_file_location -votingFilesLocations voting_file_location]}]  
[-enableAutoFixup] [-useIPMI -bmcBinpath BMC_binary_loc -bmcUsername BMC_user_name] [-managementOption <CLOUD_CONTROL | NONE> -omsHost EM_hostname 
-omsPort EM_port -emAdminUser EM_admin_username] [-INVENTORY_LOCATION central_inventory_location] 
[-executeConfigTools] [-executeRootScript -configMethod ROOT]]


Table A-4 -configureCluster Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Displays -configureCluster command help.


The name of the SYSDBA privileged operating system group. The default is dba.

Note: If you have already setup an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, then this parameter is not required.


The name of the SYSASM privileged operating system group.

Note: If you have already setup an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, then this parameter is not required.


The name of the SYSOPER privileged operating system group.

Note: If you have already setup an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, then this parameter is not required.


Complete path to the Oracle base location to use for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation.

Note: If you have already setup an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, then this parameter is not required.


Name for the cluster that you are creating.


Planned use for each network adapter (or network interface) that are available on your cluster node.

-clusterUsage <RAC | GENERAL_PURPOSE>

Usage for the cluster, which can be to host Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database or to host generic applications. The default value is RAC.

-configureAsExtendedCluster [-sites]

Extend an Oracle RAC cluster across two or more separate sites, each equipped with its own storage.

If you are configuring an Extended Cluster, then specify the list of sites.

-scanName {-scanPort}

Name for the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) and an unused port number for the SCAN service to create a SCAN locally.


Complete path to the SCAN client data file to use a shared SCAN.


Specify this option if you want to configure Grid Naming Service (GNS).

-gnsVIPAddress {-gnsSubDomain}

An unused virtual hostname and GNS subdomain for the GNS service.


Specify this option if you want to assign SCAN name VIP and Node VIPs by DHCP.


A comma-separated list of cluster nodes on which you want to install the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software.

Storage to use for Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) and Voting Files. Default value is FLEX_ASM_STORAGE.
  • Use FLEX_ASM_STORAGE to store OCR and voting files on an Oracle ASM disk group.
  • Use CLIENT_ASM_STORAGE to store OCR and voting files on an Oracle ASM disk group configured on a storage server cluster.
  • Use FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE to store OCR and voting files on a shared file system.

Name for the Oracle ASM disk group, for example DATA.


A list of Oracle ASM disks to create an Oracle ASM disk group.

Note: Use this variable only if failure group configuration is not required.

-disksWithFailureGroupNames {-failureGroups | -quorumFailureGroupNames}

A list of failure groups to be marked as QUORUM. A quorum failure group, a special type of failure group, contains mirror copies of voting files when voting files are stored in normal or high redundancy disk groups.


The Oracle ASM redundancy level to use for the Oracle ASM disk group. Default value is NORMAL.

-auSize <1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16>

The allocation unit size for Oracle ASM. Default value is 1.


Disk discovery string, a path and pattern match for the Oracle ASM disks, to discover the disks for creating an Oracle ASM disk group.


Specify this option if you want to configure Oracle ASM Filter Driver (Oracle ASMFD).


Name for the OCR backup Oracle ASM disk group.


A list of Oracle ASM disks to create an OCR backup Oracle ASM disk group.

Note: Use this variable only if failure group configuration is not required.

-backupDGDisksWithFailureGroupNames {-backupDGFailureGroups | -backupDGQuorumFailureGroups}

A list of failure groups to be marked as QUORUM. A quorum failure group, a special type of failure group, contains mirror copies of OCR when OCR is stored in normal or high redundancy disk groups.


Complete path to the Oracle ASM client data file if you are using Oracle ASM disk group configured on a storage server cluster.

-ocrLocations {-votingFilesLocations}

Storage option for Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) and voting files.


Specify this option if you want to configure automatic self correction for your installation. The automated fixup framework for Configuration Verification Utility (CVU) identifies and corrects any configuration errors.


Specify this option if you want to configure Intelligent Power Management Interface (IPMI).


Location of the ipmiutil binary.


Username for using the IPMI service.

-managementOption <CLOUD_CONTROL | NONE>

Management option to use for managing the Oracle home. Default value is NONE.


The OMS host to connect to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.


The OMS port to connect to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.


The Admin username to connect to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.


Complete path to the location where you want to store the inventory files. You do not need to specify this parameter if you have previously installed an Oracle software on this computer.


The following example shows you how to install and configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure on a three node cluster: -configureCluster -OSDBA sysdba -OSASM osasm -OSOPER osoper -ORACLE_BASE /u01/app/grid -clusterName mycluster1 
-networkInterfaceList ens3:,ens4:,ens5: -clusterUsage RAC -scanName RACScan -scanPort 1521 
-clusterNodes node1,node2,node3 -storageOption FLEX_ASM_STORAGE -diskGroupName DATA -diskList /dev/sd1,/dev/sd2,/dev/sd3 -redundancy NORMAL 
-auSize 8 -diskString /dev/sd* -configureAFD -backupDGName RECO -backupDGDiskList /dev/bk1,/dev/bk2,/dev/bk3 -enableAutoFixup 
-managementOption NONE -INVENTORY_LOCATION /u01/app/oraInventory -executeConfigTools -executeRootScript -configMethod ROOT