Standalone CVU Home

Starting with Oracle Database 23ai, you can use the Configuration Verification Utility (CVU) from a standalone alternative pluggable home during Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation or upgrade.

Standalone CVU home feature offers an alternative CVU software location that you can use to perform the prerequisite checks for Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation and upgrade. Oracle releases CVU standalone package quarterly, which you can download from the Oracle Technology Network website. Standalone CVU release is based on the latest Oracle Grid Infrastructure Release Update (RU) with critical fixes that you can use to verify Oracle Grid Infrastructure environment.

Follow these steps to use Standalone CVU for verification:

  1. As the grid user, create a new standalone CVU home directory.
    mkdir -p /u01/app/23.0.0/grid/cvuhome


    Ensure that the standalone CVU home directory has at least 500 MB free disk.
  2. Download the file from the Oracle Technology Network website to the standalone CVU home directory.
  3. Unzip the file in the standalone CVU home directory.
  4. Launch Oracle Grid Infrastructure with the standalone CVU binaries.
    /u01/app/23.0.0/grid/ -DORA_CVU_LOC=/u01/app/23.0.0/grid/cvuhome