The WAIT function can be used to wait for various Data Guard broker events to occur.

WAIT Function

     wait_event            IN BINARY_INTEGER
     wait_time             IN BINARY_INTEGER)


Parameter Description
wait_event A Data Guard broker wait event. This can be one of:
  • DBMS_DG.WAIT_START_BROKER: Wait for Data Guard broker to start and finish initialization. Specifying this wait event will also cause the DG_BROKER_START initialization parameter to be set to TRUE.
  • DBMS_DG.WAIT_STOP_BROKER: Wait for Data Guard broker to stop. Specifying this wait event will also cause the DG_BROKER_START initialization parameter to be set to FALSE.
wait_time The number of seconds to wait for the specified wait event to occur.

Usage Notes

  • This function returns a binary integer.

Return Values

Error Description
ORA-00000: normal, successful completion

The event for which to wait on occurred within the number of seconds specified by the wait_time parameter.

ORA-16509: request timed out The event for which to wait on did not occur within the number of seconds specified by the wait_time parameter.

The Data Guard broker unable to wait for the specified wait event and the return value will indicate the reason for this failure.