1.6 How the Gateway Works

The gateway has no database functions of its own. Instead, it provides an interface by which an Oracle database can direct part or all of a SQL operation to a DRDA database.

The gateway that is supporting the DRDA server is identified to the Oracle database using a database link. The database link is the same construct that is used to identify other Oracle databases. Tables on the DRDA server are referenced in SQL as:




If you create synonyms or views in the Oracle database, then you can refer to tables on the DRDA server by using simple names as though the table were local to the Oracle database.

When the Oracle database encounters a reference to a table that is on the DRDA server, the applicable portion of the SQL statement is sent to the gateway for processing. Any host variables that are associated with the SQL statement are bound to the gateway and, therefore, to the DRDA server.

The gateway is responsible for sending these SQL statements to the DRDA server for execution and for fielding and returning responses. The responses are either data or messages. Any conversions between Oracle data types and DRDA data types are performed by the gateway. Both the Oracle database and the application read and process only Oracle data types.

SQL Differences

Not all SQL implementations are the same. The Oracle database supports a larger set of built-in functions than the databases that are currently accessed through the gateway. The Oracle database and the gateway work together to convert SQL to a form that is compatible with the specific DRDA server.

During this conversion, an Oracle database function can be converted to a function that is recognizable to the specific DRDA server. For example, the Oracle database NVL function is converted to the DB2 VALUE function.

Alternatively, the Oracle database withholds functions that are not executable by the DRDA server and performs them after rows are fetched from the DRDA database. This processing only applies to SELECT statements. The Oracle database and the gateway cannot perform this kind of manipulation on UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements because doing so changes transaction semantics.