Archiving and Unarchiving Gold Images

Starting with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai, you can archive the gold images to save disk space without deleting them and unarchive the gold images if you need to use them again.

Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database requires creating new gold images, which take up a lot of disk space on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) Server. You may not want to delete these gold images to free up disk space because you may need to refer them back. The archive feature enables you to save disk space, and enables you to unarchive if you need to use it again.

You can archive and store gold images in zip format only if there are no working copies of these gold images. Furthermore, you can not use archived image to create a working copy. When a gold image is archived, its state is updated to ARCHIVED.

  • To archive a gold image on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:
    $ rhpctl archive image -image image_name
  • To unarchive a gold image on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:
    $ rhpctl unarchive image -image image_name