Backing Up Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Create a backup of the Oracle FPP Server to restore in the event of a failure or to relocate to a different hardware.

Oracle FPP Server always creates full backup. Backup is stored in a zip format at the location that you specify during backup.

  • Provide an absolute path to an empty directory with write access.
  • Stop all ongoing operations on the Oracle FPP Server before attempting the backup, otherwise the backup will fail.
  1. Create a full backup of the Oracle FPP Server.
    rhpctl backup server -path backup_path
    Oracle FPP Server creates a timestamped zip file,, at the specified location. The backup includes metadata dump file, wallet file, text file with non-built-in Oracle FPP users, zip file for each gold image, and zip file of the user actions directory.


    Incomplete images, working copy snapshots, and checkpoint files are excluded from the backup.
  • Do no store backup in the same cluster so that they are not lost in a system failure.
  • To relocate to a different server, stop Oracle FPP Server after creating a backup. New operations performed on the server makes the backup obsolete.