Creating an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

The Oracle FPP Server uses a repository that you create in an Oracle ACFS file system in which you store all the software homes that you want to make available to clients and rhpclient-less targets.


When you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure, the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) Server is configured, by default, in the Oracle FPP Lite mode to support the local switch home capability. To configure the central Oracle FPP Server, then you must remove the current Oracle FPP Lite configuration.
  1. Use the Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant (Oracle ASMCA) to create an Oracle ASM disk group on the Oracle FPP Server to store software.
    $ Grid_home/bin/asmca

    Because this disk group is used to store software, Oracle recommends a minimum of 100 GB for this disk group.


    You must set Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM) compatibility settings for this disk group to 19.0 or later.

  2. Provide a mount path that exists on all nodes of the cluster. The Oracle FPP Server uses this path to mount gold images. You must ensure that the grid user owns the mount point.
    $ mkdir -p storage_path


    Starting with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai, you can create an external metadata repository. This external metadata repository can be an Oracle Database.
  3. Optional: As the root user, add the Grid Naming Service Virtual IP Address (GNS VIP) without zone delegation.
    # srvctl add gns -vip myhost-gnsvip3
    # srvctl start gns
    # srvctl status gns
    GNS is running on node myhost01.
    GNS is enabled on node myhost01. 


    The Highly Available Grid Naming Service feature of Grid Naming Service (GNS) in Oracle Grid Infrastructure is deprecated in Oracle Database 23ai. 
  4. Optional: If you do not want to use GNS, then you can use the Oracle FPP VIP address by configuring it while adding the Oracle FPP Server.
  5. Remove any existing Oracle FPP Lite configuration from your cluster.
    # srvctl stop rhpserver
    # srvctl remove rhpserver
  6. To configure an internal metadata repository, setup a Standard Edition High Availability (SEHA) database home across all active nodes in the cluster and associate the repository with your Oracle FPP Server.
    $GRID_HOME/crs/install/ -db_home=SEHA_database_home -mode="Install" -diskgroup=disk_group_name
  7. Optional: Generate a P12 file from the security certificate that you want to use for the Oracle FPP Server configuration.
    $ openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey ${SERVER_KEY} -passin pass:${PASS} -in ${SERVER_CRT} 
    -name orakey -certfile ${CA_CRT} -caname cakey -out ${P12_FILE} -password pass:${P12_PASS}
  8. Create the Oracle FPP Server resource.
    # Grid_home/bin/srvctl add rhpserver -storage storage_path 
    -diskgroup disk_group_name -enableTLS YES -p12certpath P12_file_absolute_path 
    -certname custom_cert_name -dbtype FPPDB [additional options] -rhpsvip_address vip_address
    Use the enableTLS parameter to enable TLS and specify the custom security certificate name.
  9. Start the Oracle FPP Server.
    $ Grid_home/bin/srvctl start rhpserver

After you start the Oracle FPP Server, use the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Control (RHPCTL) utility to further manage Oracle FPP.