Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server Self-upgrade

Perform these steps when upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure to 23ai using the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) Server self-upgrade feature.


You must ensure that the fix for bug #36226033 is present in your Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c home before starting the self-upgrade.
  1. Create a backup of the Oracle FPP Server metadata.
    $ srvctl stop rhpserver
    $ rhprepos export -expfile /u01/app/rhp19c_bck/19c_backup.dmp
    $ srvctl start rhpserver
    Ensure that the directory does not contain another file with the same name, otherwise you will get an error.
  2. Import an Oracle Database 23ai software image on the Oracle FPP Server.
    $ rhpctl import image -image db23ai -zip db_zip_file_path 
  3. Import an Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai software image on the Oracle FPP Server.
    $ rhpctl import image -image gi23ai -zip db_image_zip_path 
  4. Add Oracle Database 23ai working copy on the Oracle FPP Server.
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy fppdbwc -image db23ai -path path_to_db_23ai_home 
    -oraclebase Oracle_base_path -storagetype LOCAL -ignoreprereq
  5. Add software only Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai working copy on the Oracle FPP Server.
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy gi23ai_wc -path path_to_GI_23ai_home 
    -oraclebase Oracle_base_path -softwareonly  -image gi23ai
  6. As the root user, change ownership of the rhp.pref with CRS user on all cluster nodes.
    $ Grid_home/bin/
  7. Run the upgrade command in batches.
    $ Grid_home/bin/ upgrade gihome -sourcehome old_GI_home -destwc GI_23ai_working_copy_name 
    -batches "(batch1),(batch2)" -fppdbwc fpp_db_working_copy -ignoreprereq
  8. Run the upgrade gihome command with the -continue option.
    $ Grid_home/bin/ upgrade gihome -destwc GI_23ai_working_copy_name -continue