Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) Server is a highly available software provisioning system that uses Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS), application VIPs, and other components.

The Oracle FPP Server primarily acts as a central server for provisioning Oracle homes and making them available to Oracle FPP Clients and rhpclient-less targets.

Features of the Oracle FPP Server:

  • Efficiently stores gold images and image series for the managed homes, including separate binaries, and metadata related to users, roles, and permissions.

  • Stores working copies and Oracle FPP Client information.

  • Provides a list of available homes to Oracle FPP Clients and rhpclient-less targets upon request.

  • Patch a software home once and then deploy the home to any Oracle FPP Client or any rhpclient-less targets, instead of patching every site.

  • Provides the ability to report on existing deployments.

  • Deploys homes on physical servers and virtual machines.

  • Notifies subscribers of changes to image series.

  • Maintains an audit log of all RHPCTL commands run.