Patching Oracle Database Using Oracle FPP Lite

Oracle FPP Lite updates Oracle Database homes, including Oracle Database single-instance databases in a cluster or standalone (with no Oracle Grid Infrastructure), an Oracle RAC database, or an Oracle RAC One Node database.

  • Oracle FPP Lite configuration for Oracle Database patching performs all of the steps necessary to switch from one home to another.
    $ rhpctl move database -sourcehome Oracle_home_path -desthome destination_oracle_home_path 
    -localrolling YES [-ignorecvuprecheck] [-ignorecvupostcheck] [-skipcvuprecheck] [-skipcvupostcheck]
    • -localrolling enables or disables local rolling patching of the Oracle Database.
    • -ignorecvuprecheck and -ignorecvupostcheck ignore CVU prechecks and postcheks respectively.
    • -skipcvuprecheck and -skipcvupostcheck skips CVU prechecks and postcheks respectively.


    If multiple databases are running from the same Oracle home, then you can use the -dbname parameter to specify all the database for the move. If the databases are running from different Oracle homes, then you need to patch all the databases separately.


During Oracle FPP Lite patching, every command must finish on the current node before you can run it on any other node. If a command fails in the first run, then you must re-run the command from the same node where it was started initially. Similarly, if you use the -batches parameter, then you must re-run the command, using the -continue parameter, from the same node where you started the command.
Use the rhpctl move database command parameters for the patching operation.


The rhpctl move database command is Oracle Data Guard-aware, and will not run Datapatch if the database is an Oracle Data Guard standby.

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