Updating Oracle Exadata Storage Server

Update Oracle Exadata storage servers to a higher Oracle Exadata software version.

  1. Create an Oracle Exadata storage server image.

    The following command imports an Oracle Exadata storage server image to the Oracle FPP Server as an image. In the example, image specifies the name of the storage server image that you want to add, imagetype specifies EXAPATCHSOFTWARE for Oracle Exadata software, version specifies the version of the Oracle Exadata software, and path specifies the absolute path location of the storage server image that you want to import.

    rhpctl import image -image image_name -imagetype EXAPATCHSOFTWARE 
    -version software_version -path absolute_path

    When you import a storage server image with this command, the version parameter must be the exact version of the storage server software required by the patchmgr on the node, for example The path parameter should contain storage server update zip files.

  2. Deploy the Oracle Exadata storage server image to the client cluster.


    You need to deploy the image only when running the patch operation from a client. This step is not required when running the patch operation from the Oracle FPP Server.

    The following command deploys an Oracle Exadata storage server image to a client cluster. In the example, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata storage server image that you want to deploy, client specifies the name of the cluster to which you want to deploy the image, and path specifies the absolute path location for deploying the Oracle Exadata storage server image on the rhpclient-less target or client side.

    rhpctl deploy image -image image_name 
    -client client_cluster_name -path image_file_path
  3. Evaluate the current configuration and perform pre-upgrade checks.

    The following command evaluates the current configuration and performs pre-upgrade checks. In the example, cells specifies the list of storage servers, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata storage server image that you want to use for updating, and client specifies the name of the cluster in which you want to update the storage server.

    rhpctl update exadata -cells comma_separated_list_of_cells -image image_name -client client_cluster_name
    -patchmgrargs "patch_manager_arguments" -patchmgrdrivingsystem patchmgr_driving_node -eval
  4. Update Oracle Exadata storage server with the new image.
    rhpctl update exadata -cells comma_separated_list_of_cells -image image_name -client client_cluster_name
    -patchmgrargs "patch_manager_arguments" -patchmgrdrivingsystem patchmgr_driving_node
  5. Query the Oracle Exadata storage server image to check the image type:
    rhpctl query image -image cellserver1
    Image name: cellserver1
    Owner: user@server10
    Site: server10
    Image Type: Exadata Storage server
    Complete: TRUE

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