Provisioning an Oracle Database Home and Creating a Database

This procedure provisions Oracle Database 23ai software and creates Oracle Database instances.


  1. From the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, provision the Oracle Database home software:
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -image db23ai -path /u01/app/dbusr/product/23.0.0/db23ai
      -client client_001 -oraclebase /u01/app/dbusr/ -workingcopy db23wc 
    The command provisions the working copy db23wc to the specified path on the cluster client_001, from the image db23ai.
  2. Create the database instance:
    $ rhpctl add database -workingcopy db23wc -dbname db -dbtype RAC
    The command creates an Oracle RAC database instance db . You can use the add database command repeatedly to create more instances on the working copy.

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