Patch an Oracle Database Software home



Moves a database from a source working copy to a patched working copy.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : MoveDatabaseBody
Type: object
Show Source
  • Default Value: false
    Abort the ongoing "move" operation.
  • Read/write path for the persistent Oracle home path.
  • Read-only gold image path for the persistent Oracle home path.
  • Use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
  • authArgs
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    Additional properties for the selected authentication plugin.
  • Comma-delimited list of batches of nodes (where each batch is a comma-delimited list of node names enclosed in parentheses) enclosed in double quotation marks ("") in the format: "(nA,nB,...),(...,nY,nZ)".
  • List of users to whom email notifications will be sent, in addition to owner of working copy.
  • Default Value: false
    Perform move operation on all user specified batches one after other without stopping after every batch
  • Client cluster name
  • Default Value: false
    Continue restarting databases on the next batch of nodes.
  • Name of database (DB_UNIQUE_NAME) to be provisioned.
  • Default Value: false
    Disconnect all sessions before stopping or relocating services.
  • Service drain timeout specified in seconds.
  • Allowed Values: [ "YES", "NO" ]
    Enables or disables dual instance patching, default value is NO, this option can not be used with keepplacement and nonrolling.
  • Default Value: false
    Evaluate without executing the command.
  • Default Value: false
    Force the Oracle home to move in rolling mode.
  • Default Value: false
    Ignore the Oracle database post-patching CVU checks
  • Default Value: false
    Ignore the Oracle database pre-patching CVU checks
  • Proceed with the rolling move even though the specified non-rolling patches exists in destination path or working copy. This option accepts comma separated list of non-rolling patches, for example: ,...,. This can not be used with forceRolling and nonrolling option.
  • Default Value: false
    Ignores if the patched working copy is missing some patches which are present in the source path or working copy.
  • Default Value: false
    Ensure that services of administrator-managed Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC One databases are running on the same instances before and after the move operation.
  • Default Value: false
    Indicates that "datapatch" should not be executed for databases being moved.
  • Default Value: false
    Move the Oracle home in non-rolling mode.
  • Default Value: false
    Disable session replay during disconnection.
  • Default Value: false
    Send email notification.
  • ORACLE_BASE path for provisioning Oracle database home or Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.
  • Name of the new working copy to which the database needs to be moved
  • Default Value: false
    Revert to source Oracle home or working copy in case of batch-move or smartmove.
  • Default Value: false
    Use root credentials to access the remote node.
  • Service availability factor, the minimum percentage of instances on which a service must remain running during the move.
  • Preferred time to execute the operation, in ISO-8601 format. For example: 2016-12-21T19:13:17+05.
  • Default Value: false
    Process batches separately. Move operation pauses for user intervention before continuing with the next batch.
  • Server cluster name
  • Default Value: false
    Skip current batch of nodes and restart databases on the next batch of nodes.
  • Default Value: false
    Skip the Oracle database pre-patching CVU checks
  • Default Value: false
    Do not execute datapatch sanity checks
  • Default Value: false
    Auto-generate the list of batches of nodes and move databases by restarting instances batch after batch.
  • Source Oracle home path
  • location of sudo binary.
  • perform super user operations as sudo user name.
  • The password for the super user account.
  • Node on which operation needs to be executed
  • Value to be passed to useractiondata parameter of useraction script
Nested Schema : authArgs
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Additional properties for the selected authentication plugin.
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Supported Media Types

202 Response

Accepted. A JSON object containing job resource details of the accepted operation to obtain status and output of the progress.
Body ()
Root Schema : jobResource
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : jobOutputResource
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request. A JSON object containing error details of the issue found while parsing a parameter value or name.
Body ()
Root Schema : errorResource
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errorDetails
Type: array
If multiple errors are reported they can be organized in a hierarchical structure in this array.
Show Source

Default Response

Unexpected error. A JSON object containing error details of the issue while executing the operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : errorResource
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errorDetails
Type: array
If multiple errors are reported they can be organized in a hierarchical structure in this array.
Show Source
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The following example shows how to patch an Oracle database named dbwc1 from a working copy named DB_WCopy1 to a patched working copy named DB_WCopy2, by submitting a PATCH request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl -u restUser -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@body.json" "https://RHP_node_name:8894/rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/DB_WCopy1/databases"

HTTP Status Code and Response Headers

The following shows an example of the response header.

HTTP/1.1 202
Location: https://RHP_node_name:8894/rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs/1
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Content-Length, Authorization
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 159
Date:  Tue, 19 Jun 2018 14:03:23 GMT

Request Body (body.json)

    "dbname" : "dbwc1",
    "patchedwc" : "DB_Wcopy2"

Response Body

     "links": [{
         "uri": "https://RHP_node_name:8894/rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs/1",
         "rel": "self"
     "jobId": "1",
     "output": {  }
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