6.3 Image Rectification

Most raster data originating from remote sensors above the ground is usually subject to distortion caused by the terrain, the view angles of the instrument, and the irregular shape of the Earth. Image rectification as explained in this section is the process of transforming the images to reduce some of that distortion.

Rectification is performed by the SDO_GEOR.rectify procedure, and requires that the source GeoRaster object have at least a functional fitting georeferencing model. This means that the image does not need to be rectified, but it needs to have georeference information in the metadata (see Georeferencing GeoRaster Objects).

The SDO_GEOR.rectify procedure can use the information available in the source GeoRaster object to automatically establish the spatial extents, dimension, and SRID of the output GeoRaster, and users can also specify different values by using the appropriate parameters.

Example 6-4 Image Rectification

Example 6-3 rectifies an aerial image that had been loaded into GeoRaster and later georeferenced with GCPs (see Advanced Georeferencing). The image is rectified so that the output GeoRaster object has the same SRS and resolution of an existing GeoRaster object. The image is to be restricted to the area of existing GeoRaster object, and the pixels should be perfectly aligned with the existing GeoRaster object.

  gr_src sdo_georaster;
  gr_ref sdo_georaster;
  gr_out sdo_georaster;
  select raster into gr_src from georaster_load_table where georid = 15;
  select raster into gr_ref from georaster_table where georid = 1;
  delete from georaster_table where georid = 2;
  insert into georaster_table 
         values(2, 'rectified', sdo_geor.init()) 
         returning georaster into gr_out;
  sdo_geor.rectify(inGeoRaster      => gr_src,
                   pyramidLevel     => null,
                   elevationParam   => null,
                   dem              => null,
                   outSRID          => sdo_geor.getModelSRID(gr_ref),
                   outModelCoordLoc => null,
                   cropArea         => sdo_geor.generateSpatialExtent(gr_ref),
                   polygonClip      => null,
                   layerNumbers     => null,
                   outResolutions   => sdo_geor.getSpatialResolutions(gr_ref),
                   resolutionUnit   => 'unit=meters',
                   referencePoint   => sdo_geor.getModelCoordinate(gr_ref,
                                       0, sdo_number_array(-0.5,-0.5)),
                   resampleParam    => null,
                   storageParam     => null,
                   outGeoraster     => gr_out);
  update georaster_table set georaster = gr_out where georid = 2;

Rectification output can be significantly improved if information about elevation is passed to the SDO_GEOR.rectify procedure. (See Image Orthorectification for more information about elevation.)

Parallel rectification is supported with the SDO_GEOR_AGGR.mosaicSubset procedure.