7.127 SDO_GEOR.setDefaultPyramidLevel


     georaster            IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     defaultPyramidLevel  IN NUMBER);


Sets the number of the layer to be used for the default pyramid level for displaying a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null defaultPyramidLevel parameter.



GeoRaster object.


The default pyramid level for displaying the specified GeoRaster object. Must be greater than or equal to 0 (zero) and less than or equal to the maximum pyramid level in the GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

Pyramid levels represent reduced or increased resolution images that require less or more storage space, respectively. For information about pyramids and pyramid levels, see Pyramids.

Specifying a default pyramid level is an optional operation, and is intended for use only when visualizing GeoRaster objects with pyramids generated.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

When pyramids are removed from a GeoRaster object by any other operation (such as SDO_GEOR.deletePyramid or SDO_GEOR.subset), the default pyramid level for the object is also removed from the metadata.

An exception is raised if there are no pyramids generated for the GeoRaster object, or if defaultPyramidLevel is not a valid pyramid level number for the GeoRaster object.

You can get the default pyramid level by using the SDO_GEOR.getDefaultPyramidLevel function.


The following example generates the pyramids and sets the default pyramid level for a specified GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, and it returns the default pyramid level set for the GeoRaster object. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=6 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.generatePyramid(grobj, 'rLevel=5, resampling=NN');
  sdo_geor.setDefaultPyramidLevel(grobj, 3);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=6;
SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getDefaultPyramidLevel(georaster) FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid=6;
-------------- ---------- 
             6          3