7.150 SDO_GEOR.setSRS


     georaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     srs        IN SDO_GEOR_SRS);


Sets the spatial reference information of a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing information if you specify a null srs parameter.



GeoRaster object.


An object of type SDO_GEOR_SRS. The SDO_GEOR_SRS object type and its constructor are described in SDO_GEOR_SRS Object Type.

In this object, isReferenced, isRectified, and isOrthoRectified must be TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive); spatialResolution must be an array of the correct size; the spatial tolerance cannot be negative; CoordLocation must be 0 or 1; and the polynomial parameters cannot be null.

Usage Notes

You can use this procedure to set the GeoRaster SRS for any functional fitting georeferencing models, including the affine transformation, DLT, and RPC models.

For the stored function (GCP) model only, you may find it more convenient not to use this procedure, but instead to use the SDO_GEOR.setGCPGeorefModel procedure to set the stored function (GCP) model.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the SDO_GEOR_SRS information for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getSRS function.


The following examples specify spatial reference attributes of a GeoRaster object, and updates the GeoRaster object. (They refer to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.) Notes explain the operations in more detail.

The first example shows how to set an affine transformation model to a GeoRaster object.

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  srs   sdo_geor_srs;
SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
srs := sdo_geor_srs('TRUE', 'TRUE', null, 82262,
                       sdo_number_array(28.5, 28.5),0.5,0,
                       SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 2, 1, 3, 32631.5614, 0, -.03508772),
                       SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 0, 0, 1, 1),
                       SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 2, 1, 3, -7894.7544, .03508772, 0),
                       SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 0, 0, 1, 1));
sdo_geor.setSRS(grobj, srs);
UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

In the preceding example, the GeoRaster object has the following affine transformation:

row = 32631.5614 + 0 * x + (-0.03508772) * y
col = -7894.7544 + 0.03508772 * x + 0 * y

To use the generic functional fitting georeferencing model described in Functional Fitting Georeferencing Model, the values of SRS attributes are as follows:

polynomial p : pType=1, nVars=2, order=1, nCoefficients= 3
polynomial q : pType=1, nVars=0, order=0, nCoefficients= 1
polynomial r : pType=1, nVars=2, order=1, nCoefficients= 3
polynomial s : pType=1, nVars=0, order=0, nCoefficients= 1
rowNumerator = 32631.5614, 0, -0.03508772
rowDenominator =  1
columnNumerator = -7894.7544, 0.03508772, 0
columnDenominator = 1

In the SRS structure, the rowNumerator, rowDenominator, columnNumerator, and columnDenominator elements are used to specify pType, nVars, order, and nCoefficients, and the remaining elements are used to specify coefficients of each polynomial.

The second example shows how to set a DLT model to a GeoRaster object. In a typical photogrammetry application, the interior orientation parameters and exterior orientation parameters of an oriented digital aerial photo can be used to derive a DLT model, which is widely used to simplify and approximate the rigorous model. The following is an example of a DLT model derived from a standard frame camera model.

row = (-46507111.2127784 + 65.81484127*X + 13.13186856*Y - 49.62133265*Z) / (-41.47013322 + 0.00004128*X + 0.00009740*Y - 0.00655704*Z)

col = (-5259855.00453679 - 12.07452653*X + 66.23319061*Y - 49.45792766*Z) / (-41.47013322 + 0.00004128*X + 0.00009740*Y - 0.00655704*Z)

For this example, the corresponding GeoRaster SRS parameters and coefficients are:

rowOff=0, colOff=0; rowScale = colScale = 1;
xOff = 0, yOff = 0, zOff = 0; xScale = yScale = zScale =1;
polynomial p : pType=1, nVars=3, order=1, nCoefficients= 4
polynomial q : pType=1, nVars=3, order=1, nCoefficients= 4
polynomial r : pType=1, nVars=3, order=1, nCoefficients= 4
polynomial s : pType=1, nVars=3, order=1, nCoefficients= 4
rowNumerator = -5259855.00453679, -12.07452653, 66.23319061, -49.45792766
rowDenominator = -41.47013322, 0.00004128, 0.00009740, -0.00655704
columnNumerator = -46507111.2127784, 65.81484127, 13.13186856, -49.62133265
columnDenominator = -41.47013322, 0.00004128, 0.00009740, -0.00655704

The following sets up the DLT model for the GeoRaster object. It uses the SDO_GEOR_SRS constructor to create an instance of the SDO_GEOR_SRS type, and then sets the appropriate attributes.

   grobj sdo_georaster;
   srs sdo_geor_srs;
   SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 101;
   -- Initiate the SRS object.
   -- Fill the parameters of the SRS object.
   srs.isReferenced := 'TRUE';
   srs.isRectified := 'FALSE';
   srs.isOrthoRectified := 'FALSE';
   srs.srid := 7406;
   srs.spatialResolution := sdo_number_array(0.07, 0.07);
   srs.coordLocation := 1;
   srs.rowOff := 0;
   srs.columnOff := 0;
   srs.xOff := 0;
   srs.yOff := 0;
   srs.zOff := 0;
   srs.rowScale := 1;
   srs.columnScale := 1;
   srs.xScale := 1;
   srs.yScale := 1;
   srs.zScale := 1;
   srs.rowNumerator := SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 3, 1, 4, -5259855.00453679,
   srs.rowDenominator := SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 3, 1, 4, -41.4701332195,
     0.0000412763, 0.0000974018, -0.0065570398);
   srs.columnNumerator := SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 3, 1, 4,
     -46507111.2127784, 65.81484127, 13.13186856, -49.62133265);
   srs.columnDenominator := SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 3, 1, 4,
     -41.4701332195, 0.0000412763, 0.0000974018, -0.0065570398);
   -- Set the SRS metadata to the GeoRaster object.
   UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid= 101;