25 On-Premises MAA Platinum: Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture Integrated with Active Data Guard

The combination and integration of Oracle GoldenGate Microservices and Oracle Data Guard enables you to achieve an MAA Platinum service-level configuration that achieves zero or near zero downtime for all planned and unplanned outages.

Follow these configuration best practices to enable Oracle GoldenGate Microservices replication using a database that is protected by a Data Guard standby, to transparently and seamlessly work following an Oracle Data Guard role transition, no matter which Data Guard protection mode is configured (Maximum Performance, Maximum Availability, or Maximum Protection).


Be sure to complete the following prerequisites before performing any tasks for on-premises MAA Platinum architecture configuration.

The following are software requirements that the MAA Platinum configuration is based on:

  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c or later

    Oracle Grid Infrastructure provides the necessary components needed to manage high availability for any business-critical applications. Using Oracle Clusterware (a component of Oracle Grid Infrastructure) network, database, and Oracle GoldenGate resources can be managed to provide availability in the event of a failure.

  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure Agent version 10.2 or later

    The Oracle Grid Infrastructure Agent leverages the Oracle Grid Infrastructure components to provide integration between Oracle GoldenGate and its dependent resources, such as the database, network, and file system. The agent also integrates Oracle GoldenGate with Oracle Data Guard so that Oracle GoldenGate is restarted on the new primary database following a role transition.

  • Oracle Database 19c or later

    See My Oracle Support Document 2193391.1 for a full list of recommended Oracle Database patches when using Oracle GoldenGate.

  • Oracle GoldenGate Microservices version 21c or later

    Oracle GoldenGate 21c introduces unified build support so a single software installation supports capturing and applying replicated data to multiple major Oracle Database versions (11g Release 2 to 21c). This is possible because an Oracle GoldenGate installation includes the required Oracle Database client libraries without requiring a separate database ORACLE_HOME installation.

  • Oracle DBFS to protect and replicate critical Oracle GoldenGate files

    The Oracle Database File System (DBFS) is the only MAA-validated and recommended file system for an Oracle Data Guard and Oracle GoldenGate configuration, because it allows the storage of the required Oracle GoldenGate files, such as the checkpoint and trail files, to be located inside the same database that is protected with Oracle Data Guard, ensuring consistency between the Oracle GoldenGate files and the database in a seamless fashion.

When the prerequisites are met, follow the configuration best practices in the Tasks that follow. These tasks should be performed to ensure the seamless integration of Oracle GoldenGate Microservices with Oracle Data Guard, which in turn ensures that GoldenGate continues running after any Data Guard role transition.

Task 1: Configure the Standby Database for Oracle GoldenGate

The standby database initialization parameters should match those of the primary database.

See Task 1: Configure the Oracle Database for Oracle GoldenGate for details. This includes the following parameters:


  • For Oracle GoldenGate source databases, enable FORCE LOGGING mode and enable minimal supplemental logging.

  • If a GoldenGate source database, or running integrated Replicat (parallel or non-parallel), configure the STREAMS_POOL_SIZE.

Task 2: Modify the Primary Database Service

On the primary database server, modify the existing database service that was created as part of the original Oracle GoldenGate on Oracle RAC configuration.

Set the service role to PRIMARY, so that the service is only be started when the database becomes the Data Guard primary database role after a role transition.

As the oracle user, modify the service using the following command:

$ srvctl modify service -db dbName -service service_name
 -role PRIMARY

If your database is part of a multitenant environment, remember to modify both the multitenant container database (CDB) and pluggable database (PDB) services.

Task 3: Create the Standby Database Service

On the standby cluster, a database service is required for the standby database so that the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Agent automatically starts the Oracle GoldenGate deployment when the database is opened with the primary role.

When a source database is in a multitenant environment, a separate service is required for the root container database (CDB) and the pluggable database (PDB) that contains the schema being replicated. For a multitenant environment target database, a single service is required for the PDB.

Create the service using the following command, as the oracle user, the same way the service was created on the primary cluster.

$ srvctl add service -db dbName -service service_name
 -preferred instance_1 -available instance_2, instance_3 etc.
 -pdb pdbName -role PRIMARY

It is recommended that you use the same service name as was specified on the primary cluster. The service must be created as a singleton service, using the –preferred option, because the application Virtual IP address (VIP), DBFS, and Oracle GoldenGate run on the cluster node where the service is running.

If the database is not in a multitenant environment, or the database is a target database for Oracle GoldenGate, omit the -pdb parameter.

Task 4: Configure DBFS on the Standby Cluster Nodes

The Database File System (DBFS) is the only recommended solution when configuring Oracle GoldenGate with Oracle Data Guard.

The DBFS user, tablespace, and file system in the database was previously created in the primary database, as detailed in Task 4: Set Up a File System on Oracle RAC.

The remaining configuration steps are required on all nodes of the standby cluster where Oracle GoldenGate may run.

  1. Install the required FUSE libraries, if they are not already installed, by following the instructions in My Oracle Support Document 869822.1.
  2. Create the tnsnames.ora Oracle Net connection alias using the IPC protocol, similar to the one created on the primary cluster.
    dbfs =
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (CONNECT_DATA =
            (SERVICE_NAME = NAME)
  3. Create the same mount point for DBFS that is used on the primary cluster.

    It is important that the mount point is identical, because the physical location of the Oracle GoldenGate deployment is included in the deployment configuration files.

    For example:

    # mkdir /mnt/dbfs
  4. Copy the mount-dbfs.conf and mount-dbfs.sh files from the primary cluster to the standby cluster nodes.

    It is recommended that you place them in the same directory as the primary cluster.

  5. Register the DBFS resource with Oracle Clusterware, using the following example command.

    If you are using Oracle Multitenant, make sure to use the service name for the same PDB that contains the DBFS repository as was created in the primary database.

    crsctl add resource $RESNAME \
      -type cluster_resource \

Task 5: Install Oracle GoldenGate Software

Install the Oracle GoldenGate software locally on all nodes in the standby cluster that will be part of the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

Make sure the installation directory is identical on all nodes to match the primary cluster installation directory.

Download the Oracle GoldenGate 21c software, or later version, at this location:


Task 6: Create Oracle GoldenGate Deployment Directories

The Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager and deployment are already created on the primary cluster, as required by the prerequisites, but certain directories and symbolic links need to be configured on the standby cluster nodes.

These directories and symbolic links were created on the primary cluster, in the tasks you performed as part of On-Premises: Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture with Oracle Real Application Clusters Configuration Best Practices.

Now you create the following directories and symbolic links on the all Oracle RAC nodes on the standby cluster as follows.

  1. If there are multiple GoldenGate Service Managers configured on the primary cluster, each with their own deployment, and individually registered with XAG, they must belong to separate OGG_HOME software installation directories.

    The same directories and symbolic links for the OGG_HOME directories that were configured on primary cluster, must match on the standby cluster.

  2. If the GoldenGate deployment was created with the Performance Metric Server enabled, the metric datastore home directory must be created on the standby Oracle RAC nodes.

    For example, determine the datastore directory on the primary cluster nodes:

    $ grep RepoDatastorePath <deployment directory>/var/log/pmsrvr.log|uniq
    "RepoDatastorePath": "",
     "RepoDatastorePath": "/u01/oracle/goldengate/datastores/ggnorth",

    Then create the directory on all standby cluster nodes:

    $ mkdir -p /u01/oracle/goldengate/datastores/ggnorth
  3. If the database release is earlier than Oracle Database 21c (21.3), create the Oracle GoldenGate deployment temp directory local storage to match the symbolic link created on the primary cluster.

    For example, on the primary cluster if you have:

    $ ls –lrt DBFS_GoldenGate_deployment_home_directory/var/temp
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 oracle oinstall 32 Aug 31 12:27 temp
     -> /u01/oracle/goldengate/deployments/ggnorth/temp

    Then create the same directory on the standby cluster nodes:

    $ mkdir –p /u01/oracle/goldengate/deployments/ggnorth/temp

Task 7: Configure the Standby NGINX Reverse Proxy

Follow these steps to configure the standby NGINX reverse proxy.

  1. Install NGINX Reverse Proxy.

    If NGINX Reverse Proxy has not already been installed, follow the installation instructions at https://nginx.org/en/linux_packages.html.

    As the root user, copy the Oracle GoldenGate deployment NGINX configuration files from a primary cluster node to a single standby node directory /etc/nginx/conf.d.

    For example:

    [root@dc2north01]# scp dc1north01:/etc/nginx/conf.d/ogg_north.conf

    The standby cluster will need a different CA signed certificate due to using a different VIP name/address than the primary cluster. Contact your systems administrator to follow your corporate standards to create or obtain the server certificate before proceeding. A separate certificate is required for each VIP and Service Manager pair.

  2. Install server certificates for NGINX.

    Install the server CA certificates and key files in the /etc/nginx/ssl directory, owned by root with file permissions 400 (-r--------):

    # mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl
    # chmod 400 /etc/nginx/ssl

    For each reverse proxy configuration file copied from the primary cluster, set the correct file names for the certificate and key file using the following example:

    ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/gg-stby-vip1.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/gg-stby-vip1.key;

    When using CA signed certificates, the certificate named with the ssl_certificate NGINX parameter must include the root, intermediate, and CA signed certificates in a single file. The order is very important, otherwise NGINX fails to start and displays the error message

    (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines: X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch).

    The root and intermediate certificates can be downloaded from the CA signed certificate provider.

    The single file can be generated using the following example command:

    # cat CA_signed_cert.crt intermediate.crt root.crt
     > gg-stby-vip1.pem

    The ssl_certificate_key file is the key file generated when creating the Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which is required when requesting a CA signed certificate.

    Change the server_name parameter in the reverse proxy configuration file copied from the primary cluster, setting to the correct VIP name. For example:


    server_name dc1north-vip1.example.com;


    server_name dc2north-vip1.example.com;

  3. Validate and restart NGINX.

    Because the VIP will not be running on the standby cluster until the primary database service is running, there is a parameter that needs to be set in the /etc/sysctl.conf file.

    1. As the root user, make the following modifications to /etc/sysctl.conf.

      # vi /etc/sysctl.conf
    2. Add the following parameter:

      # allow processes to bind to the non-local address
      net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1
    3. Reload the modified configuration:

      # sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
    4. Validate the NGINX configuration file to detect any errors in the configuration. If there are errors in the file, they will be reported by the following command.

      # nginx -t
      nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
      nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginxconf test is successful
    5. Restart NGINX with the new configuration:

      # systemctl restart nginx

    When the NGINX configuration is complete, copy the configuration file and certificates to matching directories on the other standby cluster nodes.

  4. Create an NGINX Clusterware resource.

    Oracle Clusterware needs to have control over starting the NGINX reverse proxy so that it can be started automatically before the GoldenGate deployments are started.

    The NGINX resource is created with a dependency on the underlying network CRS resource, the name of which can be determined using the following command:

    $ $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -w "TYPE == ora.network.type"|grep NAME
    1. As the root user, use the following example command to create a Clusterware resource to manage NGINX.

      # $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl add resource nginx -type generic_application
       -attr "ACL='owner:root:rwx,pgrp:root:rwx,other::r--,group:oinstall:r-x,user:oracle:rwx',EXECUTABLE_NAMES=nginx,START_PROGRAM='/bin/systemctl
       start -f nginx',STOP_PROGRAM='/bin/systemctl
       stop -f nginx',CHECK_PROGRAMS='/bin/systemctl
       status nginx' ,START_DEPENDENCIES='hard(ora.net1.network) pullup(ora.net1.network)',
       RESTART_ATTEMPTS=0, HOSTING_MEMBERS='dc1north01,dc1north02', CARDINALITY=2"

      The NGINX resource created in this example runs on the named cluster nodes at the same time, specified by HOSTING_MEMBERS. This is recommended when multiple GoldenGate Service Manager deployments are configured, and they can independently move between cluster nodes.

    2. When the NGINX Clusterware resource is created, alter the GoldenGate XAG resources so that NGINX must be started before the GoldenGate deployments are started.

      As the root user, modify the XAG resources using the following example commands.

      Determine the current --filesystems parameter:

      # agctl config goldengate GGNORTH | grep "File System"
      File System resources needed: dbfsgg

Task 8: Configure Oracle Clusterware

  1. Modify the primary cluster XAG GoldenGate instance.

    The Oracle Grid Infrastructure Standalone Agent (XAG) GoldenGate instance on the primary cluster must be modified as the root user, to identify that it is part of an Oracle Data Guard configuration using the following example command.

    # agctl modify goldengate instance_name --dataguard_autostart yes
  2. On the standby cluster, follow the instructions in Task 7: Oracle Clusterware Configuration to do steps 3-5 below.
  3. Install the XAG software on each standby cluster node.

    It is recommended that you install the XAG software into the same directory as the primary cluster.

  4. Prepare for the XAG application VIP creation.

    It is assumed that the VIP and VIP name will be different from that of the primary cluster, so the VIP address will need to be allocated by your systems administrator for the standby cluster.

  5. Register Oracle GoldenGate Microservices with XAG.

    The parameters used to register Oracle GoldenGate Microservices with XAG are similar to those used when registering with the primary cluster.

    1. Determine the current parameters in the primary cluster using the following command:

      $ agctl config goldengate GoldenGate_instance_name
      Instance name: GoldenGate_instance_name
      Application GoldenGate location is: /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS
      Goldengate MicroServices Architecture environment: yes
      Goldengate Service Manager configuration directory:
      Goldengate Service Manager var directory:
      Service Manager Port: 9100
      Goldengate Administration User: oggadmin
      Autostart on DataGuard role transition to PRIMARY: yes
      Configured to run on Nodes: dc1north01,dc1north02
      ORACLE_HOME location is: /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS/lib/instantclient
      Database Services needed: ora.ggdg.oggserv_cdb.svc,ora.ggdg.oggserv_pdb.svc
      File System resources needed: dbfsgg,nginx
      VIP name: gg_vip_prmy

      In addition, the XAG parameter --filesystem_verify no must be specified to prevent XAG from checking the existence of the DBFS deployment directory when registering the GoldenGate instance. Without setting this parameter, the XAG registration will fail, because DBFS is not mounted on the standby cluster.


      It is recommended that you use the same GoldenGate instance name when registering GoldenGate with XAG as was used in the primary cluster.
    2. Register GoldenGate with XAG on the standby cluster, as the root user:

      # agctl add goldengate GoldenGate_instance_name \
      --gg_home /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS \
      --service_manager \
      --config_home /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/ggnorth_sm/etc/conf \
      --var_home /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/ggnorth_sm/var \
      --port 9100 \
      --oracle_home /u01/goldengate/gg21c_MS/lib/instantclient \
      --adminuser oggadmin \
      --user oracle \
      --group oinstall \
      --vip_name gg_vip_stby \
      --filesystems dbfsgg,nginx \
      --db_services ora.ggdgs.oggserv_cdb.svc,ora.ggdgs.oggserv_pdb.svc \
      --use_local_services \
      --nodes dc2north01,dc2north02 \
      --filesystem_verify no \
      --dataguard_autostart yes

Task 9: Create Oracle Net TNS Aliases for Oracle GoldenGate Database Connections

The same TNS aliases created on the primary cluster for the primary database using the IPC protocol must be created with the same alias names on each node of the standby cluster, using the IPC communication protocol as specified in Task 9: Create Oracle Net TNS Alias for Oracle GoldenGate Database Connections.

The location of tnsnames.ora used by the Oracle GoldenGate deployment must be the same on the standby cluster nodes as it is on the primary cluster.

Use the following query REST API call to query the TNS_ADMIN location on the primary cluster.

$ curl -s -u OGG_admin_username
 -XGET|python -m json.tool|grep TNS_ADMIN -A1

You will be prompted to enter the Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager administrator user password.

For example:

$ curl -s -u oggadmin https://dc1north01-vip1/services/v2/deployments/ggnorth
 -XGET|python -m json.tool|grep TNS_ADMIN -A1

                "name": "TNS_ADMIN",
                "value": "/u01/goldengate/network/admin"

Make sure the tnsnames.ora is located in this same directory on all standby cluster nodes.

Example TNS alias for the GoldenGate database:

ggnorth_pdb =
      (SDU = 2097152)
        (SERVICE_NAME = oggserv_pdb.example.com)

Task 10: Configure Oracle GoldenGate Processes

In addition to the guidance provided in Task 10: Configure Oracle GoldenGate Processes, follow the recommendations provided below for Extract, Distribution Paths, and Replicats.

Extract Configuration on the Primary Cluster

For GoldenGate Extract processes using Data Guard configurations that are using redo transport Maximum Performance or Maximum Availability modes, the following parameter must be added to the Extract process parameter file on the primary cluster to avoid losing transactions and resulting in logical data inconsistencies:


This parameter prevents Extract from extracting transaction data from redo that has not yet been applied to the Data Guard standby database. This is crucial to preventing Oracle GoldenGate from replicating data to a target database that does not exist in the source standby database.

If this parameter is not specified, after a data loss failover of the source database it is possible to have data in the target database that is not present in the source database, leading to logical data inconsistencies.

By default, after 60 seconds, a warning message will be written to the Extract report file when the Extract is stalled due to not being able to query the standby database applied SCN information. For example:

WARNING OGG-02721 Extract has been waiting for the standby database for 60 seconds.

The amount of time before the warning message is written to Extract report file can be adjusted using the Extract parameter TRANLOGOPTIONS HANDLEDLFAILOVER STANDBY_WARNING.

If the Extract is still not able to query the standby database applied SCN information after 30 minutes (default), the Extract process will abend, logging the following message in the Extract report file:

ERROR OGG-02722 Extract abended waiting for 1,800 seconds for the standby database to be accessible or caught up with the primary database.

If the standby database becomes available before the 30 default timeout expires, Extract continues mining data from the source database and reports the following message to the report file:

INFO OGG-02723 Extract resumed from stalled state and started processing LCRs.

The timeout value of 30 minutes can be adjusted using the Extract parameter TRANLOGOPTIONS HANDLEDLFAILOVER STANDBY_ABEND value, where value is the number of seconds the standby is unavailable before abending.

If the standby database will be unavailable for a prolonged duration, such as during a planned maintenance outage, and you wish Extract to continue extracting data from the primary database, remove the TRANLOGOPTIONS HANDLEDLFAILOVER parameter from the Extract parameter file and restart Extract. Remember to set the parameter after the standby becomes available.


If extracting from a primary database continues while the standby is unavailable, a data loss failover could result after the standby becomes available, and not all the primary redo was applied before a failover. The GoldenGate target database will contain data that does not exist in the source database.

See Oracle GoldenGate Reference Guide for more information about the TRANLOGOPTIONS HANDLEDLFAILOVER parameters at https://docs.oracle.com/en/middleware/goldengate/core/21.3/reference/reference-oracle-goldengate.pdf.

If the Extract process has been assigned an auto restart profile, as documented in Task 11: Configure Autostart of Extract and Replicat Processes, after a Data Guard role transition, the Extract process will automatically restart. Extract will continue to mine redo data from the new primary database, ignoring the current state of the new standby database, until a default 5 minute timeout period expires. After this time, if the standby is not available Extract will abend with the following errors:

INFO OGG-25053 Timeout waiting for 300 seconds for standby database reinstatement. Now enforcing HANDLEDLFAILOVER.

ERROR OGG-06219 Unable to extract data from the Logmining server OGG$CAP_EXT1.

ERROR OGG-02078 Extract encountered a fatal error in a processing thread and is abending.

Extract will continue to automatically restart, based on the Oracle GoldenGate Microservices auto restart profile, and failing due to reaching the HANDLEDLFAILOVER timeout, until the number retries is reached or the new standby database becomes available.

During the timeout period following a database role transition, the HANDLEDLFAILOVER parameter is automatically suspended, so data will be replicated to the Oracle GoldenGate replica database without consideration of the source standby database not being kept up to date. The timeout period for the standby database to start up before Extract abends can be adjusted using the Extract parameter TRANLOGOPTIONS DLFAILOVER_TIMEOUT.

It is recommended that you leave DLFAILOVER_TIMEOUT at the default of 5 minutes, to allow the old primary to convert to a standby. If the new standby database will be unavailable for an extended period of time or completely gone, then in order for Extract to start and remain running, you must remove the HANDLEDLFAILOVER parameter from the Extract parameter file. After removing the parameter, Extract no longer waits until redo has been applied to the standby database before extracting the data.

During the time it takes for the standby database to come back online and apply all the redo from the primary

database, there will be data divergence between it and the Oracle GoldenGate replica database. This will be resolved once the standby database is up to date. At which point, add the HANDLEDLFAILOVER parameter back into the integrated Extract process parameter file, and then stop and restart the Extract.

When Oracle Data Guard is configured with fast-start failover, such that the broker can automatically fail over to a standby database in the event of loss of the primary database, you must specify an additional integrated Extract parameter shown below.


This parameter identifies which standby database the Oracle GoldenGate Extract process must remain behind, with regards to not extracting redo data that has not yet been applied to the standby database.

To determine the correct value for FAILOVERTARGETDESTID, use the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_N parameter from the GoldenGate source database which is used for sending redo to the source standby database. For example, if LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 points to the standby database, then use a value of 2.

For example:

SQL> show parameters log_archive_dest

NAME                  TYPE     VALUE
--------------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------
log_archive_dest_1    string   location=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST,
                               valid_for=(ALL_LOGFILES, ALL_ROLES)

log_archive_dest_2    string   service="ggnorths", SYNC AFFIRM delay=0
                               optional compression=disable max_failure=0 reopen=300
                               db_unique_name="GGNORTHS" net_timeout=30,

In this example, the Extract parameter would be set to the following:


To add the parameters to the Extract parameter file, use the Oracle GoldenGate Administration Server to select display the Extract details

  1. "On the Administration Service tab, select the Actions menu for the Extract and choose Details."
  2. In the Extract details view select the Parameters tab, and then select the pencil icon to edit the current parameter file

  3. Add the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameters and select Apply to save the changes.

For the new parameters to take effect, the Extract process needs to be stopped and restarted, which can be done using the Administration Server.

More information about the Extract TRANLOGOPTIONS parameters mentioned above, can be found in the Reference for Oracle GoldenGate at https://docs.oracle.com/en/middleware/goldengate/core/21.3/reference/tranlogoptions.html#GUID-B6ADFEC9-10E6-456D-9477-088513E113AF.

Distribution Path Configuration on the Primary and Standby Cluster

When the target database of an Oracle GoldenGate environment, where the Receiver Server runs, is protected with Oracle Data Guard, there is an important consideration that must be given to any Distribution Paths that are sending trail files to the Receiver Server. When the Receiver Server moves to a different cluster after an Oracle Data Guard role transition, any distribution paths must be altered to reflect the new target cluster address.

You can automatically change the distribution paths using a database role transition trigger in the target database on the Receiver Server cluster.

If the primary and standby cluster VIPs use different root CA certificates, the standby certificate will need to be added to the source deployment Service Manager, as detailed in On-Premises: Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture with Oracle Real Application Clusters Configuration Best Practices.

Follow the instructions below to create a database role transition trigger to modify the distribution path target address when the receiver server moves between the primary and standby cluster, during target database Data Guard role transitions.

  1. Create a shell script to modify the distribution paths.

    Example Distribution Path Target Change Script contains an example shell script that can be used to modify a distribution path target address. Refer to the example script comments for setting appropriate variable values.

    The script should be placed in the same local directory on all Oracle RAC nodes of the primary and standby database clusters. Set the script file permissions to 6751.

    For example:

    $ chmod 6751 /u01/oracle/goldengate/scripts/change_path_target.sh

    The example shell script uses REST API calls to access the GoldenGate distribution path. In order to make the REST API calls secure, it is recommended that you include the GoldenGate deployment administrator user name and password in a configuration file (access.cfg), as shown here.

    $ cat /u01/oracle/goldengate/scripts/access.cfg
    user = "oggadmin:<password>"

    The access.cfg file is also referenced in the database role transition trigger below.

  2. Create a DBMS_SCHEDULER job.

    Creating a DBMS_SCHEDULER job is required to run an operating system shell script from within PL/SQL. Create the scheduler job as a SYSDBA user in the root container database (CDB).

    For example:

    SQL> exec dbms_scheduler.drop_job('gg_change_path_target');
    SQL> exec dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name=>'gg_change_path_target',
     job_type=>'EXECUTABLE', number_of_arguments => 6,

    To run an external job, you must set the run_user and run_group parameters in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora file to the Oracle database operating system user and group.

    For example:

    run_user = oracle
    run_group = oinstall
    The extrernaljob.ora must be configured on all Oracle RAC nodes of the primary and standby database clusters.
  3. Create the database role transition trigger.

    Create a role transition trigger on the GoldenGate target database that will fire when a standby database becomes a primary database, changing the distribution path target address, using the following example.

    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER gg_change_path
    AFTER db_role_change ON DATABASE
      role varchar2(30);
      hostname varchar2(64);
      select database_role into role from v$database;
      select host_name into hostname from v$instance;
      DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE('gg_change_path_target',6, '<dir/access.cfg>');
      if role = 'PRIMARY' and hostname like 'primary_target_cluster_name%'
      elsif role = 'PRIMARY'
      end if;

    After creating the database trigger, switch the log file on the primary database to ensure the code is propagated to the standby database using the following command:

    SQL> alter system switch all logfile;

Replicat Configuration on the Primary Cluster

As documented in On-Premises: Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture with Oracle Real Application Clusters Configuration Best Practices, a checkpoint table in the target database is required for all Oracle GoldenGate Replicat processes. There are no other configuration requirements for Replicat when configured with Oracle Data Guard.

Example Distribution Path Target Change Script

The following example script can be used to change a source GoldenGate deployment distribution path target address to reflect the new location of the receiver server after a Data Guard role transition. This example assumes the source GoldenGate deployment is configured in an MAA architecture with Data Guard, such that the distribution server can relocate between a primary and standby cluster.


# change_path_target.sh - changes the target host of a GG Distribution Path when the target
#                         moves between primary/standby clusters.
# Example usage:
# ./change_path_target.sh <primary source VIP>:443 <standby source VIP>:443 <path target VIP> <path name> <deployment name> <credentials file>

SOURCE1=$1      # PRIMARY Distribution Server VIP
SOURCE2=$2      # STANDBY Distribution Server VIP
TARGET=$3       # Distribution path target VIP
DPATH=$4        # Distribution path name
DEP=$5          # Deployment name
ACCESS=$6       # access.cfg file containing the deployment credentials. Example contents:
                # user = "oggadmin:<password>"


#echo "#${i} - `date`:"

result=$(curl -si -K $ACCESS https://$SOURCE1/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH -X GET| grep HTTP |  awk '{print $2}')

# Will return NULL of nginx not running, 502 if cannot contact server, 200 if contact to server good, and others (404) for other bad reasons:

if [[ -z $result || $result -ne 200 ]]; then  # Managed to access the Distr Server
  echo "`date` - Couldn't contact Distribution Server at $SOURCE1 Deployment $DEP ****" >> $LOGFILE
else # Try the other source host:
  echo "`date` - Got status of Distribution Server at $SOURCE1 Deployment $DEP ***"  >> $LOGFILE

if [ $CONNECT -eq 1 ]; then
# For secure NGINX patch destination (wss)
  curl -s -K $ACCESS https://$SOURCE/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH -X PATCH --data '{"status": "stopped"}'

# Set new target for path:
  curl -s -K $ACCESS https://$SOURCE/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH -X PATCH --data "$PAYLOAD"
  echo "`date` - Set path $DPATH on $SOURCE deployment $DEP:" >> $LOGFILE

  curl -s -K $ACCESS https://$SOURCE/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH -X GET | python -m json.tool | grep uri >> $LOGFILE
  curl -s -K $ACCESS https://$SOURCE/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH -X PATCH --data '{"status": "running"}'

exit 0
  echo "`date` - ERROR: COULDN'T CHANGE DISTRIBUTION PATH ($DPATH) in Deployement $DEP at $SOURCE! ***" >> $LOGFILE

# If here, means we couldn't connect to either Distribution Servers
exit 1