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addListener(FanEventListener) - Method in interface oracle.simplefan.FanSubscription
Adds a listener.
AUTOSTART - oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.Reason
AUTOSTART - oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.Reason


BOOT - oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.Reason
BOOT - oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.Reason
BOTH - oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.EventKind
BOTH - oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.EventKind


close() - Method in interface oracle.simplefan.FanSubscription
Closes this subscription.
COMPOSITE - oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.EventKind
COMPOSITE - oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.EventKind
configure(Properties) - Method in class oracle.simplefan.FanManager
Configures the event daemon.
configure(Properties) - Method in class oracle.simplefan.impl.FanManager
Configures the event daemon.


DEPENDENCY - oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.Reason
DEPENDENCY - oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.Reason


FAILURE - oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.Reason
FAILURE - oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.Reason
FanEvent - Class in oracle.simplefan
This abstract class supports three types of FAN events: service events, node down events, and load advisory (RLB) events.
FanEventListener - Interface in oracle.simplefan
FanManager - Class in oracle.simplefan
An instance of this class is used to manage access to FAN events.
FanManager - Class in oracle.simplefan.impl
FanManager() - Constructor for class oracle.simplefan.impl.FanManager
FanSubscription - Interface in oracle.simplefan
FanUpEventListener - Interface in oracle.simplefan


getCardinality() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent
getDatabaseUniqueName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent
getDatabaseUniqueName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent
getDatabaseUniqueName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent
getDrainTimeout() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent
getIncarnation() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.NodeDownEvent
getIncarnation() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.NodeUpEvent
getInstance() - Static method in class oracle.simplefan.FanManager
Gets an instance of the concrete implementation class.
getInstanceInternal() - Static method in class oracle.simplefan.impl.FanManager
Get an instance of the concrete implementation class.
getInstanceName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent
getInstanceName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.ServiceMemberEvent
getInstanceName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.ServiceMemberEvent
getKind() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent
Service down events can be member down, composite down, or both.
getKind() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent
Service up events can be member up, composite up, or both.
getLoadStatus() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent
getNodeName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.NodeDownEvent
getNodeName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.NodeUpEvent
getNodeName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.ServiceMemberEvent
getNodeName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.ServiceMemberEvent
getPercent() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent
getReason() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent
getReason() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent
getServiceMemberEvent() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent
Return the service member subevent information if this is a service member event.
getServiceMemberEvent() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent
Return the service member subevent information if this is a service member event.
getServiceName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent
getServiceName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent
getServiceName() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent
getServiceQuality() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent
getTimestamp() - Method in class oracle.simplefan.FanEvent
Returns the time the event occurred.
GOOD - oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent.LoadStatus


handleEvent(LoadAdvisoryEvent) - Method in interface oracle.simplefan.FanEventListener
Handle the event.
handleEvent(NodeDownEvent) - Method in interface oracle.simplefan.FanEventListener
Handle the event.
handleEvent(NodeUpEvent) - Method in interface oracle.simplefan.FanUpEventListener
This method handles NodeUpEvents.
handleEvent(ServiceDownEvent) - Method in interface oracle.simplefan.FanEventListener
Handle the event.
handleEvent(ServiceUpEvent) - Method in interface oracle.simplefan.FanUpEventListener
This method handles ServiceUpEvents.


LoadAdvisoryEvent - Class in oracle.simplefan
This FAN event provides advice that directs load balancing for subscribers.
LoadAdvisoryEvent.LoadStatus - Enum in oracle.simplefan


MEMBER - oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.EventKind
MEMBER - oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.EventKind


NO_DATA - oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent.LoadStatus
NodeDownEvent - Class in oracle.simplefan
The event posted when a node goes down.
NodeUpEvent - Class in oracle.simplefan
The event posted when a node gets UP.
NodeUpEvent(Object, Date) - Constructor for class oracle.simplefan.NodeUpEvent


oracle.simplefan - package oracle.simplefan
Provides easy access to Oracle Fast Application Notification (FAN) events.
oracle.simplefan.impl - package oracle.simplefan.impl


removeListener(FanEventListener) - Method in interface oracle.simplefan.FanSubscription
Removes a listener.


ServiceDownEvent - Class in oracle.simplefan
A container that can hold both kinds of service events.
ServiceDownEvent.EventKind - Enum in oracle.simplefan
ServiceDownEvent.Reason - Enum in oracle.simplefan
ServiceDownEvent.ServiceMemberEvent - Class in oracle.simplefan
The service member event that reflects the status change of a service on a particular instance (and node).
ServiceMemberEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.ServiceMemberEvent
ServiceMemberEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.ServiceMemberEvent
ServiceUpEvent - Class in oracle.simplefan
A container that can hold both kinds of service events.
ServiceUpEvent.EventKind - Enum in oracle.simplefan
ServiceUpEvent.Reason - Enum in oracle.simplefan
ServiceUpEvent.ServiceMemberEvent - Class in oracle.simplefan
The service member event that reflects the status change of a service on a particular instance (and node).
subscribe(Properties) - Method in class oracle.simplefan.FanManager
Creates a FanSubscription that retrieves FAN events using ONS.
subscribe(Properties) - Method in class oracle.simplefan.impl.FanManager
Creates a FanSubscription that retrieves FAN events using ONS.


UNKNOWN - oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent.LoadStatus
USER - oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.Reason
USER - oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.Reason


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent.LoadStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.EventKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.EventKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent.LoadStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.EventKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.ServiceDownEvent.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.EventKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.simplefan.ServiceUpEvent.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VIOLATING - oracle.simplefan.LoadAdvisoryEvent.LoadStatus
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