Package oracle.jdbc

Interface TraceEventListener

  • public interface TraceEventListener

    A listener that receives application and system tracing events from the Oracle Database JDBC drivers.

    If an instance is registered with an OracleConnection, that instance's roundTrip method will be called before and after each round trip to the database executed by that connection. The roundTrip method has limited access to the Connection but can get some information about the round trip and set a trace id.

    The instance's onExecutionEventReceived method will be called for each execution event if the isDesiredEvent returns true for that event type.

    If the driver understands the type of the trace id, the driver will use that trace id in trace records generated by the driver during the round trip. If the driver does not understand the type of the trace id it will use the result of calling toString on the trace id. What trace ids the driver understands may change from release to release.

    Implementations of TraceEventListener may be registered programmatically with OracleConnectionBuilder.traceEventListener(TraceEventListener). Implementations may also be provided by an OracleResourceProvider identified with OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROVIDER_TRACE_EVENT_LISTENER.

    • Method Detail

      • roundTrip

        java.lang.Object roundTrip​(TraceEventListener.Sequence seq,
                                   TraceEventListener.TraceContext traceContext,
                                   java.lang.Object userContext)
        Called before and after each round trip on the Connection if observability is enabled. The before and after calls are always made in pairs even if observability is enabled/disabled during a round trip.
        seq - BEFORE if before the round trip, AFTER if after the round trip
        traceContext - Information about the round trip. Valid only during the call
        userContext - Result of previous call on this Connection or null if no previous call or if observability was disabled since the previous call.
        a user context object that is passed to the next call on this Connection. May be null.
      • onExecutionEventReceived

        default java.lang.Object onExecutionEventReceived​(TraceEventListener.JdbcExecutionEvent event,
                                                          java.lang.Object userContext,
                                                          java.lang.Object... params)

        Called each time an event occurs if observability is enabled and the event is present in the list of desired events.

        The following parameters are available depending on the event type:

        • VIP_RETRY
          • The error message of the error that caused the retry
          • The protocol
          • The host
          • The port
          • The service name
          • The SID
          • The connection data
          • The VIP address
          • The error message of the error that caused the replay
          • The SQLException object of that error
          • The current replay retry count
          • The error message of the error that caused the replay
          • The SQLException object of that error
          • The current replay retry count

        Note: This callback runs in the same thread as the connection.

        event - the event.
        userContext - the result of the previous call or null if no previous. call has been made.
        params - event specific parameters.
        a user context object that is passed to the next call for the same type of event. May be null.
      • isDesiredEvent

        default boolean isDesiredEvent​(TraceEventListener.JdbcExecutionEvent event)
        Indicates whether the TraceEventListener desires to receive a given event.
        event - the event.
        true if the TraceEventListner whishes to receive the event otherwise false.