A.3 Line Styles

A line style is applicable only to a linear feature, such as a road, railway track, or political boundary.

In other words, line styles can be applied only to Oracle Spatial geometries with an SDO_GTYPE value ending in 2 (line) or 6 (multiline). (For information about the SDO_GEOMETRY object type and SDO_GTYPE values, see Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.)

When the map visualization component draws a linear feature, a line style tells the rendering engine the color, dash pattern, and stroke width to use. A line style can have a base line element which, if defined, coincides with the original linear geometry. It can also define two edges parallel to the base line. Parallel line elements can have their own color, dash pattern, and stroke width. If parallel lines are used, they must be located to each side of the base line, with equal offsets to it.

To draw railroad-like lines, you need to define a third type of line element in a line style called hashmark. For a <line> element of class hashmark, the first value in the dash array indicates the gap between two hash marks, and the second value indicates the length of the hash mark to either side of the line. The following example defines a hash mark line with a gap of 8.5 screen units and a length of 3 screen units at each side of the base line:

<line class="hashmark" style="fill:#003333"  dash="8.5,3.0"/>

The following example defines a complete line style.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<svg width="1in" height="1in">
   <g class="line" style="fill:#ffff00;stroke-width:5">
      <line class="parallel" style="fill:#ff0000;stroke-width:1.0"/>
      <line class="base" style="fill:black;stroke-width:1.0" dash="10.0,4.0"/>

In the preceding example, class="line" identifies the style as a line style. The overall fill color (#ffff00) is used to fill any space between the parallel lines and the base line. The overall line width (5 pixels) limits the maximum width that the style can occupy (including that of the parallel lines).

The line style in the preceding example has both base line and parallel line elements. The parallel line element (class="parallel") is defined by the first <line> element, which defines its color and width. (Because the definition does not provide a dash pattern, the parallel lines or edges will be solid.) The base line element (class="base") is defined by the second <line> element, which defines its color, width, and dash pattern.

A marker (such as a direction marker) can be defined for a line style. The marker-name parameter specifies the name of a marker style, the marker-position parameter specifies the proportion (from 0 to 1) of the distance along the line from the start point at which to place the marker, and the marker-size parameter specifies the number of display units for the marker size. The marker orientation follows the orientation of the line segment on which the marker is placed.

The following example defines a line style with direction marker:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<svg width="1in" height="1in">
  <g class="line" style="fill:#33a9ff;stroke-width:4;
    <line class="parallel" style="fill:red;stroke-width:1.0"/>

To get multiple markers, add the multiple-marker attribute to the style definition. In this case the marker-position will define the position for the first marker and the space in between markers. The following example defines a line style with a direction marker that starts at position 0.15 and that is repeated continually with a space of 0.15 between each occurrence.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<svg width="1in" height="1in">
 <g class="line" style="fill:#33a9ff;stroke-width:4;
     marker-name:M.IMAGE105_BW; marker-position:0.15;
     marker-size=8; multiple-marker=true">
   <line class="parallel" style="fill:red;stroke-width:1.0"/>