14.3 Overview of Logging and Tracing in UCP

Two major aspects of UCP diagnosability are logging and tracing.

Logging is writing log records into a console, a file, or any other log handler that is defined by standard logging properties. The name of a logger is the same as a pool data source name. A pool data source name is set with an appropriate property. You can leave it unnamed as well, in which case, all diagnostics goes in the common logger. The name of the common logger is oracle.ucp. Logging implements the Java Logging API, java.util.logging.

Tracing is the special logging use case, where a log record is written into an in-memory ring buffer until an event triggers UCP Diagnosability to dump that buffer into a corresponding logger. UCP has the following two categories of trace buffers:


A pool data source and a UCP have a one-to-one mapping.
  • A category that consists of one common buffer, which is used for tracing logs from the static methods that are not directly related to a pool with a designated name. The common buffer is permanent for the complete life span of the associated UCP.
  • A category that contains as many buffers as the number of named Pool Data Source (PDS) objects, where every buffer is mapped to a single named PDS. Every trace from that PDS goes into the corresponding buffer. Its life starts from a pool start up and ends with a pool destruction.

14.3.1 Logging and Tracing Settings

When you enable logging, you should not enable tracing because the log records get immediately dumped into a logger in such a case, and there is no need to duplicate log records into a trace buffer. So, if logging is on, regardless of the tracing setting, tracing gets disabled automatically.


By default, tracing is on and logging is off.

The following table summarizes this functionality:

Logging Setting Tracing Setting Logging Functionality Tracing Functionality
off off Disabled Disabled
on off Enabled Disabled
off on Disabled Enabled
on on Enabled Disabled

14.3.2 Diagnosability System Properties and Command Line

You can set the initial diagnosability properties as JVM system properties.

You can achieve this in the following ways:

  • Using the Oracle JVM command line
  • In your application source code
  • Using Java Management Extensions (JMX)
Property Name Description
oracle.ucp.diagnostic.enableTrace Is the flag to enable tracing. The default value of this property is true.
oracle.ucp.diagnostic.enableLogging Is the flag to enable debug logging. The default value of this property is false.
oracle.ucp.diagnostic.bufferSize Specifies the in-memory trace buffer size. The default value is 1024.
oracle.ucp.diagnostic.loggingLevel Specifies the default logging level that is used if no other value is specified for a logger in a logging configuration file. The default value of this property is INFO.
java.util.logging.config.file Specifies the logging property file name to load. The default value is ConsoleHandler for all loggers.
oracle.ucp.diagnostic.errorCodesToWatchList Provides the list of exceptions and error codes that triggers dumping of all traces into their loggers.

14.3.3 Logging Configuration File

The logging configuration file lets you configure your logging settings as described in the java.util.logging package. If you want to set different levels for different loggers, then you must set those in the logging configuration file.

Perform the following for configuring the common logger:

  • Specify the logger as oracle.ucp.
  • Set an appropriate logging level.
  • Specify where and how to write the logs. For example, whether the logs should be written to the console or to a file. In case of a file, specify the file name, formatter, and so on.

Perform the following for configuring a logger that is specific to a pool data source object:

  • Set a level for the logger with the name of that pool data source.
  • Set an appropriate logging level.


    If you do not specify the level for a logger, then a default level, which is set in the ucp.diagnostic.loggingLevel, is used.

Example 14-1 Logging Configuration File

The following is an example of the UCP diagnosability logging configuration file:

handlers = java.util.logging.FileHandler
java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = ./test.log
java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 0
java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 1
java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter

Logging Level

Logging levels in the UCP Diagnosability framework are the same as the ones available in the java.util.logging package, but UCP also supports a numeric logging level in the range from Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE. The following table lists all the valid logging levels:

Logging Level Value
INFO 800
FINE 500

14.3.4 Tracing the Error Codes to Watch

The error codes to watch are applicable only for tracing. If tracing is disabled, then the error codes to watch setting is ignored.

There are two event types that trigger the trace buffers to be dumped into an appropriate logger:

  • Any log message with a SEVERE log level.
  • A few subset of exceptions or errors, for example, the subclasses of the java.lang.Throwable class, which are thrown by the JDBC driver or UCP. These errors or exceptions are then caught internally and logged with the WARNING level. The subset of these exceptions are defined with the ucp.diagnostic.errorCodesToWatchList property.

A WARNING log message, which contains a subclass of java.lang.Throwable, can cause dumping of a trace buffer into a logger, if the exception is found in a list of error codes. If an exception contains a stack of errors or exceptions, then UCP traverses through that stack with an attempt to find a matching exception and the corresponding error code, if applicable. The format of the list of error code is as follows:

["<subclass1>.<Exception1>:111,222,333", "<subclass2>.<Exception2>:444,555,666", "<subclass3>.<Exception3>"]

where, subclass1.Exception1, subclass2.Exception2, and subclass3.Exception3 are the java.lang.Throwable subclasses.

For example, if you see an error code like the following:

[ "oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException:45054,45065,45067", 
"java.lang.IllegalStateException", "java.lang.NullPointerException" ]

It means that the tracing is triggered in the following sequence:

  1. oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException with the vendor error codes 45054, 45065, and 45067
  2. java.sql.SQLException with the vendor error codes 12521, 12514, 12757, and 12523
  3. IllegalStateException
  4. NullPointerException

Only fully-qualified java.lang.Throwable subclass names can cause dumping of a trace buffer into a logger. For example, java.sql.NullPointerException is a valid name, while NullP, NullPointerException, [“12154"], [“ORA-“], or [“ORA-12154"] is not. If specified wrongly, then the subclass name causes parsing and/or class resolution errors logged, along with a WARNING. Any number conversion error too can cause a parsing error logged, along with a WARNING.

In case of parse and class resolution failures, every WARNING log record, with any exception, causes dumping a trace buffer. This is regardless of exception types and designated error codes. Once error codes are ignored in logging mode, they are not parsed anymore.

Comma-separated lists of error codes are used only in case of the following two classes and their subclasses:

  • java.sql.SQLException and its subclasses like java.sql.SQLRecoverableException or java.sql.SQLSyntaxError
  • oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException and its subclasses like NoAvailableConnectionsException

If you specify comma-separated lists of error codes with other exception types, then those error codes are ignored. With an empty list of error codes for the two exceptions and their subclasses mentioned earlier, all error codes are applicable. The UCP Diagnosability has a default error codes list. Refer to "UCP Exception Error Codes" for the list of oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException error codes.

If you want the trace buffer to be dumped by any WARNING message with an exception, then you can perform it in the following way:

Example 14-2 To dump traces by any exception


14.3.5 MBeans for UCP Diagnosability

UCP provides two MBeans for UCP diagnosability.
  • ucp.admin: It contains attributes amd operations for the whole JVM. It manages the buffer associated with all the pool data sources, and also the common in-memory buffer. You can change the initial values of the following MBean attributes to set it:
    • enableTrace
    • enableLogging
    • loggingLevel
    • bufferSize
    • errorCodesToWatchList
    • loggingConfigFileName

    Also, there is an operation named dumpInMemoryTrace. Launching this operation, you can dump contents of all in-memory buffers into their appropriate loggers.

  • ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean: It contains a tree of existing pool insntances, where every instance has its own attribute to modify an appropriate property of that specific pool. The attributes are the following:
    • enableTrace
    • enableLogging
    • loggingLevel
    • inMemoryTraceSize