6.1 Overview of Labeling Connections in UCP

Applications often initialize connections retrieved from a connection pool before using the connection. The initialization varies and could include simple state re-initialization that requires method calls within the application code or database operations that require round trips over the network. The cost of such initialization may be significant.

Labeling connections enables an application to attach arbitrary name/value pairs to a connection. The application can request a connection with the desired label from the connection pool. By associating particular labels with particular connection states, an application can retrieve an already initialized connection from the pool and avoid the time and cost of re-initialization. The connection labeling feature does not impose any meaning on user-defined keys or values; the meaning of user-defined keys and values is defined solely by the application.

Some of the examples for connection labeling include, role, NLS language settings, transaction isolation levels, stored procedure calls, or any other state initialization that is expensive and necessary on the connection before work can be executed by the resource.

Connection labeling is application-driven and requires the use of two interfaces. The oracle.ucp.jdbc.LabelableConnection interface is used to apply and remove connection labels, as well as retrieve labels that have been set on a connection. The oracle.ucp.ConnectionLabelingCallback interface is used to create a labeling callback that determines whether or not a connection with a requested label already exists. If no connections exist, the interface allows current connections to be configured as required. The methods of these interfaces are described in detail throughout this chapter.