2 Introduction To Car-Racing Duality Views Example

Data for Formula 1 car races is used here to present the features of JSON-relational duality views. This use-case example starts from an analysis of the kinds of JSON documents needed. It then defines corresponding entities and their relationships, relational tables, and duality views built on those tables.


An alternative approach to creating duality views is available to migrate an application that has existing sets of related documents, so that it uses duality views.

For that you can use the JSON-to-duality migrator, which automatically infers and generates the appropriate duality views. No need to manually analyze the different kinds of documents to discover implicit entities and relationships, and then define and populate the relevant duality views and their underlying normalized tables.

The migrator does all of that for you. By default, whatever document parts can be shared within or across views are shared, and the views are defined for maximum updatability.

See From JSON To Duality.

For the car-racing example we suppose a document-centric application that uses three kinds of JSON documents: driver, race, and team. Each of these kinds shares some data with another kind. For example:

  • A driver document includes, in its information about a driver, identification of the driver's team and information about the races the driver has participated in.

  • A race document includes, in its information about a particular race, information about the podium standings (first-, second-, and third-place winners), and the results for each driver in the race. Both of these include driver and team names. The racing data is for a single season of racing.

  • A team document includes, in its information about a team, information about the drivers on the team.

Operations the application might perform on this data include the following:

  • Adding or removing a driver, race, or team to/from the database

  • Updating the information for a driver, race, or team

  • Adding a driver to a team, removing a driver from a team, or moving a driver from one team to another

  • Adding race results to the driver and race information

The intention in this example is that all common information be shared, so that, say, the driver with identification number 302 in the driver duality view is the same as driver number 302 in the team view.

You specify the sharing of data that's common between two duality views by defining relations between them. You do this by specifying primary and foreign keys for the tables that underlie the duality views.

When you define a given duality view you can control whether it's possible to insert into, delete from, or update the documents supported by the view and, overriding those constraints, whether it's possible to insert, delete, or update a given field in a supported document. By default, a duality view is read-only: no inserting, deleting, or updating documents.

See Also:

2.1 Car-Racing Example, JSON Documents

The car-racing example has three kinds of documents: a team document, a driver document, and a race document.

A document supported by a duality view always includes, at its top (root) level, a document-identifier field, _id, that corresponds to the primary-key columns of the tables that underlie the view. See Document-Identifier Field for Duality Views. (In the car-racing example each such table has a single primary-key column.)

The following naming convention is followed in this documentation:

  • The document-identifier field (_id) of each kind of document (team, driver, or race) corresponds to the root-table primary-key column of the duality view that supports those documents. For example, field _id of a team document corresponds to primary-key column team_id of table team, which is the root table underlying duality view team_dv.

  • Documents of one kind (e.g. team), supported by one duality view (e.g. team_dv) can include other fields named ...Id (e.g. driverId), which represent foreign-key references to primary-key columns in tables underlying other duality views — columns that contain data that's shared. For example, in a team document, field driverId represents a foreign key that refers to the document-identifier field (_id) of a driver document.


Only the application-logic document content, or payload of each document, is shown here. That is, the documents shown here do not include the automatically generated and maintained, top-level field _metadata (whose value is an object with fields etag and asof). However, this document-handling field is always included in documents supported by a duality view. See Creating Duality Views for information about field _metadata.

Example 2-1 A Team Document

A team document includes information about the drivers on the team, in addition to information that's relevant to the team but not necessarily relevant to its drivers.

  • Top-level field _id uniquely identifies a team document. It is the document-identifier field. Column team_id of table team corresponds to this field; it is the table's primary key.

  • The team information that's not shared with driver documents is in field _id and top-level fields name and points.

  • The team information that's shared with driver documents is in fields driverId, name, and points, under field driver. The value of field driverId is that of the document-identifier field (_id) of a driver document.

{"_id"    : 302,
 "name"   : "Ferrari",
 "points" : 300,
 "driver" : [ {"driverId" : 103,
               "name"     : "Charles Leclerc",
               "points"   : 192},
              {"driverId" : 104,
               "name"     : "Carlos Sainz Jr",
               "points"   : 118} ]}

Example 2-2 A Driver Document

A driver document includes identification of the driver's team and information about the races the driver has participated in, in addition to information that's relevant to the driver but not necessarily relevant to its team or races.

  • Top-level field _id uniquely identifies a driver document. It is the document-identifier field. Column driver_id of the driver table corresponds to this field; it is that table's primary key.

  • The driver information that's not shared with race or team documents is in fields _id, name, and points.

  • The driver information that's shared with race documents is in field race. The value of field raceId is that of the document-identifier field (_id) of a race document.

  • The driver information that's shared with a team document is in fields such as teamId, whose value is that of the document-identifier field (_id) of a team document.

Two alternative versions of a driver document are shown, with and without nested team and race information.

Driver document, with nested team and race information:

Field teamInfo contains the nested team information (fields teamId and name). Field raceInfo contains the nested race information (fields raceId and name).

{"_id"      : 101,
 "name"     : "Max Verstappen",
 "points"   : 258,
 "teamInfo" : {"teamId" : 301, "name" : "Red Bull"},
 "race"     : [ {"driverRaceMapId" : 3,
                 "raceInfo"        : {"raceId" : 201,
                                      "name"   : "Bahrain Grand Prix"},
                 "finalPosition"   : 19},
                {"driverRaceMapId" : 11,
                 "raceInfo"        : {"raceId" : 202,
                                      "name"   : "Saudi Arabian Grand Prix"},
                 "finalPosition"   : 1} ]}

Driver document, without nested team and race information:

Fields teamId and team are not nested in a teamInfo object. Fields raceId and name are not nested in a raceInfo object.

{"_id"      : 101,
 "name"     : "Max Verstappen",
 "points"   : 25,
 "teamId"   : 301,
 "team"     : "Red Bull",
 "race"     : [ {"driverRaceMapId" : 3,
                 "raceId"          : 201,
                 "name"            : "Bahrain Grand Prix",
                 "finalPosition"   : 19},
                {"driverRaceMapId" : 11,
                 "raceId"          : 202,
                 "name"            : "Saudi Arabian Grand Prix",
                 "finalPosition"   : 1} ]}

Example 2-3 A Car-Race Document

A race document includes, in its information about a particular race, information about the podium standings (first, second, and third place), and the results for each driver in the race. The podium standings include the driver and team names. The result for each driver includes the driver's name.

Both of these include driver and team names.

  • Top-level field _id uniquely identifies a race document. It is the document-identifier field. Column race_id of the race table corresponds to this field; it is that table's primary key.

  • The race information that's not shared with driver or team documents is in fields _id, name (top-level), laps, date, time, and position.

  • The race information that's shared with driver documents is in fields such as driverId, whose value is that of the document-identifier field (_id) of a driver document.

  • The race information that's shared with team documents is in field team (under winner, firstRunnerUp, and secondRunnerUp, which are under podium).

Two alternative versions of a race document are shown, with and without nested driver information.

Race document, with nested driver information:

{"_id"    : 201,
 "name"   : "Bahrain Grand Prix",
 "laps"   : 57,
 "date"   : "2022-03-20T00:00:00",
 "podium" : {"winner"         : {"name" : "Charles Leclerc",
                                 "team" : "Ferrari",
                                 "time" : "02:00:05.3476"},
             "firstRunnerUp"  : {"name" : "Carlos Sainz Jr",
                                 "team" : "Ferrari",
                                 "time" : "02:00:15.1356"},
             "secondRunnerUp" : {"name" : "Max Verstappen",
                                 "team" : "Red Bull",
                                 "time" : "02:01:01.9253"}},
 "result" : [ {"driverRaceMapId" : 3,
               "position"        : 1,
               "driverInfo"      : {"driverId" : 103,
                                    "name"     : "Charles Leclerc"},
              {"driverRaceMapId" : 4,
               "position"        : 2,
               "driverInfo"      : {"driverId" : 104,
                                    "name"     : "Carlos Sainz Jr"},
              {"driverRaceMapId" : 9,
               "position"        : 3,
               "driverInfo"      : {"driverId" : 101,
                                    "name"     : "Max Verstappen"},
              {"driverRaceMapId" : 10,
               "position"        : 4,
               "driverInfo"      : {"driverId" : 102,
                                    "name"     : "Sergio Perez"} ]}

Race document, without nested driver information:

{"_id"    : 201,
 "name"   : "Bahrain Grand Prix",
 "laps"   : 57,
 "date"   : "2022-03-20T00:00:00",
 "podium" : {"winner"         : {"name" : "Charles Leclerc",
                                 "team" : "Ferrari",
                                 "time" : "02:00:05.3476"},
             "firstRunnerUp"  : {"name" : "Carlos Sainz Jr",
                                 "team" : "Ferrari",
                                 "time" : "02:00:15.1356"},
             "secondRunnerUp" : {"name" : "Max Verstappen",
                                 "team" : "Red Bull",
                                 "time" : "02:01:01.9253"}},
 "result" : [ {"driverRaceMapId" : 3,
               "position"        : 1,
               "driverId"        : 103,
               "name"            : "Charles Leclerc"},
              {"driverRaceMapId" : 4,
               "position"        : 2,
               "driverId"        : 104,
               "name"            : "Carlos Sainz Jr"},
              {"driverRaceMapId" : 9,
               "position"        : 3,
               "driverId"        : 101,
               "name"            : "Max Verstappen"},
              {"driverRaceMapId" : 10,
               "position"        : 4,
               "driverId"        : 102,
               "name"            : "Sergio Perez"} ]}

2.2 Car-Racing Example, Entity Relationships

Driver, car-race, and team entities are presented, together with the relationships among them. You define entities that correspond to your application documents in order to help you determine the tables needed to define the duality views for your application.

From the documents to be used by your application you can establish entities and their relationships. Each entity corresponds to a document type: driver, race, team.

Unlike the corresponding documents, the entities we use have no content overlap — they're normalized. The content of an entity (what it represents) is only that which is specific to its corresponding document type; it doesn't include anything that's also part of another document type.

  • The driver entity represents only the content of a driver document that's not in a race or team document. It includes only the driver's name and points, corresponding to document fields name and points.

  • The race entity represents only the content of a race document that's not in a driver document or a team document. It includes only the race's name, number of laps, date, and podium information, corresponding to document fields name, laps, date, and podium.

  • The team entity represents only the content of a team document that's not in a document or race document. It includes only the team's name and points, corresponding to document fields name and points.

Two entities are related according to their cardinality. There are three types of such relationships:Foot 1

One-to-one (1:1)
An instance of entity A can only be associated with one instance of entity B. For example, a driver can only be on one team.
One-to-many (1:N)
An instance of entity A can be associated with one or more instances of entity B. For example, a team can have many drivers.
Many-to-many (N:N)
An instance of entity A can be associated with one or more instances of entity B, and conversely. For example, a race can have many drivers, and a driver can participate in many races.

A many-to-one (N:1) relationship is just a one-to-many relationship looked at from the opposite viewpoint. We use only one-to-many.

See Figure 2-1. An arrow indicates the relationship direction, with the arrowhead pointing to the second cardinality. For example, the 1:N arrow from entity team to entity driver points toward driver, to show that one team relates to many drivers.

Figure 2-1 Car-Racing Example, Directed Entity-Relationship Diagram (1)

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Car-Racing Example, Directed Entity-Relationship Diagram (1)"

A driver can only be associated with one team (1:1). A team can be associated with multiple drivers (1:N). A driver can be associated with multiple races (N:N). A race can be associated with multiple drivers (N:N).

See Also:

Database normalization (Wikipedia)

2.3 Car-Racing Example, Tables

Normalized entities are modeled as database tables. Entity relationships are modeled as links (constraints) between primary-key and foreign-key columns. Tables team, driver, and race are used to implement the duality views that provide and support the team, driver, and race JSON documents used by the car-racing application.

The normalized entities have no content overlap. But we need the database tables that implement the entities to overlap logically, in the sense of a table referring to some content that is stored in another table. To realize this we add columns that are linked to other tables using foreign-key constraints. It is these foreign-key relations among tables that implement their sharing of common content.

The tables used to define a duality view must satisfy these requirements (otherwise an error is raised when you try to create the view):

  • The top-level (root) table for the view must have a primary key, composed of one or more columns that together uniquely identify a table row. This prevents any ambiguity that could arise from using a NULLable unique key or a unique key that has some NULL columns.

    The primary-key column values correspond to the value of the document-identifier field, _id, of the JSON document that the table is designed to support — see Document-Identifier Field for Duality Views. (There is only one primary-key column for each of the tables used in the car-racing example.)

  • Each of the other tables used to define a duality view must also have a primary key or a unique key. A unique key is a set of one or more columns that uniquely identify a row in the table. If there is no primary key then at least one column of the unique key must not be NULL.

  • Each primary key and each unique key must have a unique index defined on it. Oracle recommends that you also define an index on each foreign-key column. References (links) between primary and foreign keys must be defined, but they need not be enforced.


    Primary and unique indexes are generally created implicitly when you define primary-, and unique-key integrity constraints. But this is not guaranteed, and indexes can be dropped after their creation. It's up to you to ensure that the necessary indexes are present. See Creating Indexes in Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

Like unique keys, primary keys and foreign keys can be composite: composed of multiple columns. In this documentation we generally speak of them as single-column keys, but keep this possibility in mind wherever keys are mentioned.

In general, a value in a foreign-key column can be NULL. Besides the above requirements, if you want a foreign-key column to not be NULLable, then mark it as NOT NULL in the table definition.

In the car-racing example, entities team, driver, and race are implemented by tables team, driver, and race, which have the following columns:

  • team table:

    • team_id — primary key

    • name — unique key

    • points

  • driver table:

    • driver_id — primary key

    • name — unique key

    • points

    • team_id — foreign key that links to column team_id of table team

  • race table:

    • race_id — primary key

    • name — unique key (so the table has no duplicate rows: there can't be two races with the same name)

    • laps

    • race_date

    • podium

The logic of the car-racing application mandates that there be only one team with a given team name, only one driver with a given driver name, and only one race with a given race name, so column name of each of these tables is made a unique key. (This in turn means that there is only one team document with a given name field value, only one driver document with a given name, and only one race document with a given name.)

Table driver has an additional column, team_id, which is data that's logically shared with table team (it corresponds to document-identifier field _id of the team document). This sharing is defined by declaring the column to be a foreign key in table driver, which links to (primary-key) column team_id of table team. That link implements both the 1:1 relationship from driver to team and the 1:N relationship from team to driver.

But what about the other sharing: the race information in a driver document that's shared with a race document, and the information in a race document that's shared with a driver document or with a team document?

That information sharing corresponds to the many-to-many (N:N) relationships between entities driver and race. The database doesn't implement N:N relationships directly. Instead, we need to add another table, called a mapping table (or an associative table), to bridge the relationship between tables driver and race. A mapping table includes, as foreign keys, the primary-key columns of the two tables that it associates.

An N:N entity relationship is equivalent to a 1:N relationship followed by a 1:1 relationship. We use this equivalence to implement an N:N entity relationship using database tables, by adding mapping table driver_race_map between tables driver and race.

Figure 2-2 is equivalent to Figure 2-1. Intermediate entity d-r-map is added to expand each N:N relationship to a 1:N relationship followed by a 1:1 relationship.Foot 2

Figure 2-2 Car-Racing Example, Directed Entity-Relationship Diagram (2)

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Car-Racing Example, Directed Entity-Relationship Diagram (2)"

Mapping table driver_race_map implements intermediate entity d-r-map. It has the following columns:

  • driver_race_map_id — primary key

  • race_id — (1) foreign key that links to primary-key column race_id of table race and (2) unique key (so the table has no duplicate rows: there can't be two entries for the same driver for a particular race)

  • driver_id — foreign key that links to primary-key column driver_id of table driver

  • position

Together with the relations defined by their foreign-key and primary-key links, the car-racing tables form a dependency graph. This is shown in Figure 3-1.

Example 2-4 Creating the Car-Racing Tables

This example creates each table with a primary-key column, whose values are automatically generated as a sequence of integers, and a unique-key column, name. This implicitly also creates unique indexes on the primary-key columns. The example also creates foreign-key indexes.

Column podium of table race has data type JSON. Its content is flexible: it need not conform to any particular structure or field types. Alternatively, its content could be made to conform to (that is, validate against) a particular JSON schema.

   name       VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
   points     INTEGER NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT team_pk PRIMARY KEY(team_id));

   name       VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
   points     INTEGER NOT NULL,
   team_id    INTEGER,
   CONSTRAINT driver_pk PRIMARY KEY(driver_id),
   CONSTRAINT driver_fk FOREIGN KEY(team_id) REFERENCES team(team_id));

   name       VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
   laps       INTEGER NOT NULL,
   race_date  DATE,
   podium     JSON,
   CONSTRAINT race_pk PRIMARY KEY(race_id));

-- Mapping table, to bridge the tables DRIVER and RACE.
CREATE TABLE driver_race_map
   race_id            INTEGER NOT NULL,
   driver_id          INTEGER NOT NULL,
   position           INTEGER,
   CONSTRAINT driver_race_map_uk  UNIQUE (race_id, driver_id),
   CONSTRAINT driver_race_map_pk  PRIMARY KEY(driver_race_map_id),
   CONSTRAINT driver_race_map_fk1 FOREIGN KEY(race_id)
                                    REFERENCES race(race_id),
   CONSTRAINT driver_race_map_fk2 FOREIGN KEY(driver_id)
                                    REFERENCES driver(driver_id));
-- Create foreign-key indexes
CREATE INDEX driver_fk_idx ON driver (team_id);
CREATE INDEX driver_race_map_fk1_idx ON driver_race_map (race_id);
CREATE INDEX driver_race_map_fk2_idx ON driver_race_map (driver_id);


Primary-key, unique-key, and foreign-key integrity constraints must be defined for the tables that underlie duality views (or else an error is raised), but they need not be enforced.

In some cases you might know that the conditions for a given constraint are satisfied, so you don't need to validate or enforce it. You might nevertheless want the constraint to be present, to improve query performance. In that case, you can put the constraint in the RELY state, which asserts that the constraint is believed to be satisfied. See RELY Constraints in a Data Warehouse in Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide.

You can also make a foreign key constraint DEFERRABLE, which means that the validity check is done at the end of a transaction. See Deferrable Constraints in Oracle Database Concepts


The SQL data types allowed for a column in a table underlying a duality view are BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT, BLOB, BOOLEAN, CHAR, CLOB, DATE, JSON, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH, NCHAR, NCLOB, NUMBER, NVARCHAR2, VARCHAR2, RAW, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, and VECTOR. An error is raised if you specify any other column data type.

See Also:

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: In the notation used here, N does not represent a number; it's simply an abbreviation for "many", or more precisely, "one or more".
Footnote 2: In the notation used here, N does not represent a number; it's simply an abbreviation for "many", or more precisely, "one or more".