Installation Requirements for Programming Environments for Linux x86-64

Ensure that your system meets the requirements for the programming environment you want to configure:

Table 3-8 Requirements for Programming Environments for Linux X86–64

Programming Environments Support Requirements

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) / JDBC Oracle Call Interface (JDBC OCI)

JDK 11 (Java SE Development Kit) with the JNDI extension with Oracle Java Database Connectivity.

Oracle Call Interface (OCI)

Oracle C++ Call Interface


Intel(R) C Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.10.1.

Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) applications can be built with g++8 or the 2021.10.1 Intel C++ Compiler used with the standard template libraries of gcc8.

Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK)

Oracle XML Developer's Kit is supported with the same compilers as OCCI.


  • Micro Focus Visual COBOL for Eclipse 2.3 - Update 2
  • Micro Focus Visual COBOL v6.0

Unzip and Tar

Install the latest versions of Unzip and Tar.

Unzip and Tar utilities are required to extract the image files for Oracle Database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure installations and patches.