
The command provides various flags that you can use without specifying any command option.

Syntax [-silent [-ignorePrereqFailure]] [-responseFile responsefilename] [-debug] [-applyRU patch_directory] 
[-applyOneOffs list_of_patch_directory_locations] [-executeConfigTools [-skipStackCheck]] [-executePrereqs] [-executeRootScript [-configMethod <ROOT | SUDO> 
[-sudoPath sudo_binary_path] [-sudoUserName sudo_user_name]]]


Table A-1 Flag Parameters

Parameter Description

Displays the command help.


Run the installer in silent mode. You can either provide a response file path for inputs or a list of command line variable value pairs.


Specify this option to ignore all prerequisite checks failures.


Absolute path of the response file, which has installation option values.


Run the Oracle Grid Infrastructure in the debug mode.


Apply quarterly Release Update (RUs) to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.


Apply one-off patches to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home. You can pass multiple one-off patches as a comma separated list of locations.


Run configuration tools for an installed Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

Note: You can use this parameter only with other commands, such as -configureCluster.


Skip the Oracle Clusterware stack status check.


Run prerequisite checks to ensure that all necessary conditions and requirements are met before proceeding with the installation or configuration process.


Specify this option to run the root script automatically.

Note: You can use this parameter only with other commands such as -configureCluster.


Specify the configuration method to use for automatic root script execution. This can be either as the root user or as a sudo user.


Absolute path of the sudo program binaries.


Name of the user who is in the sudoers list and can run the root scripts.


The following example shows you how to install the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software using a response file. -silent -ignorePrereqFailure -responseFile /u01/app/oracle/product/23.0.0/grid/install/response/response_file.rsp