runInstaller -setupDBHomeAs

The runInstaller -setupDBHomeAs command installs the Oracle Database software with Oracle base and privileged operating system groups identical to the specified Oracle home.


runInstaller -setupDBHomeAs source_Oracle_home [-OSDBA sysdba_group] [-OSOPER os_oper_group] 
[-OSBACKUPDBA osbackup_dba_group] [-OSDGDBA os_dg_dba_group] [-OSKMDBA os_km_dba_group] 
[-OSRACDBA os_rac_dba_group] [-ORACLE_BASE Oracle_base_dir] [-clusterNodes list_of_nodes] 
[-installEdition <EE | SE2>] [-executeRootScript [-configMethod <ROOT | SUDO> [-sudoPath] [-sudoUserName]]]


Table B-3 runInstaller -setupDBHomeAs Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Displays runInstaller -setupDBHome command help.


The name of the SYSDBA privileged operating system group. The default is dba.


The name of the SYSOPER startup and shutdown system privileges for an Oracle Database.


The name of the SYSBACKUP backup and recovery system privileges for an Oracle Database.


The name of the SYSDG system privileges to administer and monitor Oracle Data Guard.


The name of the SYSKM system privileges for encryption key management for applications such as Oracle Wallet Manager.


The name of the SYSRAC privileges to perform day to day administration of Oracle databases on an Oracle RAC cluster. All Oracle Database software owners must be a member of this group.


Complete path to the Oracle base location to use for the Oracle Database installation.


A comma-separated list of cluster nodes on which you want to install the Oracle Database software.

-installEdition <EE | SE2>

Select a database edition from Enterprise Edition (EE) and Standard Edition 2 (SE2).


The following example shows you how to setup an Oracle home identical to the specified source Oracle home, on a three node cluster:
runInstaller -setupDBHomeAs /u01/app/oracle/product/23.0.0/dbhome_1 -clusterNodes node1,node2,node3 
-installEdition EE -executeRootScript -configMethod ROOT