Unlocking Accounts and Resetting Oracle Database User Passwords

Passwords for all Oracle system administration accounts except SYS, SYSTEM, and DBSMP are revoked after installation. Before you use a locked account, you must unlock it and reset its password.

If you created a preconfigured database during the installation, but you did not unlock accounts required to use the database, then you must unlock and reset those accounts using these procedures.

To temporarily deny access to the database for a particular user account, you can lock the user account. If the user then attempts to connect, then the database displays an error message and does not allow the connection. You can unlock the user account when you want to permit database access again for that user.


Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express) is desupported in Oracle Database Release 23ai.

Instead of EM Express, Oracle recommends that you choose a tool that fits the requirements and deployment type (cloud, on-premises, or hybrid) from OCI Database Management service, Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or Oracle SQL Developer Web or Oracle SQL Developer desktop products.