5 MLE JavaScript Functions

This chapter introduces the use of call specifications to publish JavaScript functions so that they can be called from SQL and PL/SQL. MLE's support of OUT and IN OUT parameters is also discussed.


Call Specifications for Functions

Call specifications for modules and inline MLE call specifications allow you to implement JavaScript functionality.

Functions exported by an MLE JavaScript module can be published by creating call specifications. A JavaScript function published with a call specification can be called from anywhere a PL/SQL function or procedure can be called.

Alternatively, inline MLE call specifications can be used to embed JavaScript code directly in the DDL. This option can be advantageous when you want to quickly implement a simple functionality using JavaScript.


Creating a Call Specification for an MLE Module

MLE call specification creation uses the generic CREATE FUNCTION RETURNS AS or CREATE PROCEDURE AS syntax, followed by MLE specific syntax.

Example 5-1 Creating MLE Call Specifications

This example walks you through the creation of an MLE module that exports two functions, and the creation of call specifications to publish those functions.


    export function greet(str){
        console.log(`Hello, ${str}`);
    export function concat(str1, str2){
        return str1 + str2;

The MLE module jsmodule exports two functions. The function greet() takes an input string argument and prints a simple greeting, while the function concat() takes two strings as input and returns the concatenated string as the result.

Because greet() does not return a value, you must create a PL/SQL procedure to publish it, as follows:

    GREET(str in VARCHAR2)
    AS MLE MODULE jsmodule
    SIGNATURE 'greet(string)';

The above call specification creates a PL/SQL procedure named GREET() in the schema of the current user. Running the procedure executes the exported function greet() in the JavaScript module jsmodule.

Note that it is not a requirement that the call specification has the same name (GREET) as the function being published (greet).

The MLE specific clause MLE MODULE <module name> specifies the JavaScript MLE module that exports the JavaScript function to be called.

The SIGNATURE clause specifies the name of the exported function to be called (in this case, greet), as well as, optionally, the list of argument types in parentheses. JavaScript MLE functions use TypeScript types in the SIGNATURE clause. In this example, the function accepts a JavaScript string. The PL/SQL VARCHAR2 string is converted to a JavaScript string before invoking the underlying JavaScript implementation. The SIGNATURE clause also allows the list of argument types to be omitted, in which case only the MLE function name is expected and MLE language types are inferred from the types given in the call specification's argument list.

The other exported function, concat(), can similarly be used to create a PL/SQL function:

    AS MLE MODULE jsmodule
    SIGNATURE 'concat(string, string)';

The call specification in this case additionally specifies the PL/SQL return type of the created function. The value returned by the JavaScript function concat() (of type string) is converted to the type VARCHAR2.

The created procedure and function can be called as shown below with the result:

Hello, Peter

Call completed.

SQL> SELECT CONCATENATE('Hello, ','World!');

Hello, World!


Components of an MLE Call Specification

The elements of an MLE call specification are listed along with descriptions.

Figure 5-1 MLE Call Specification Syntax

Table 5-1 Components of an MLE Call Specification

Element Name Description
OR REPLACE Specifies that the function should be replaced if it already exists. This clause can be used to change the definition of an existing function without dropping, recreating, and re-granting object privileges previously granted on the function. Users who had previously been granted privileges on a recreated function or procedure can still access the function without being re-granted the privileges.

Specifies that the function should be created if it does not already exist. If a function by the same name does exist, the statement is ignored without error and the original function body remains unchanged. Note that SQL*Plus will display the same output message regardless of whether the command is ignored or executed, ensuring that your DDL scripts remain idempotent.

IF NOT EXISTS cannot be used in combination with OR REPLACE.

schema Specifies the schema that will contain the call specification. If the schema is omitted, the call specification is created in the schema of the current user.
call_spec_name Specifies the name of the call specification to be created. Call specifications are created in the default namespace, unlike MLE modules and environments, which use dedicated namespaces.
param_declaration Specifies the call specification's parameters. If no parameters are specified, parentheses must be omitted.
RETURN datatype Only used for functions and specifies the data type of the return value of the function. The return value can have any data type supported by MLE. Only the data type is specified; length, precision, or scale information must be omitted.
invoker_rights_clause Specifies whether a function is invoker's or definer's rights.
  • AUTHID CURRENT_USER creates an invoker's rights function or procedure.
  • AUTHID DEFINER creates a definer's rights function or procedure.

If the AUTHID clause is omitted, the call specification is created with definer's rights by default. The AUTHID clause on MLE call specifications has the exact same semantics as on PL/SQL functions and procedures.

deterministic_clause Only used for functions and indicates that the function returns the same result value whenever it is called with the same values for its parameters. As with PL/SQL functions, this clause should not be used for functions that access the database in any way that might affect the return result of the function. The results of doing so will not be captured if the database chooses not to re-execute the function.
MLE Module Clause

The MLE MODULE clause specifies the MLE module that exports the underlying JavaScript function for the call specification. The specified module must always be in the same schema as the call specification being created.

An ORA-04103 error is thrown if the specified MLE module does not exist. Likewise, an ORA-01031 error is raised if the specified module is in a different schema from the created call specification.

ENV Clause

The optional ENV clause specifies the MLE environment for module contexts in which this call specification will be executed.

An ORA-04105 error is thrown if the specified environment schema object does not exist.

If this clause is omitted, the default environment is used. The default environment is simply an environment in its most basic state, with no module imports and no specified language options.


The SIGNATURE clause contains all the information necessary to map the MLE call specification to a particular function exported by the specified MLE module.

Specifically, it includes two pieces of information:

  • The name of the exported function in the specified MLE module.
  • The MLE language parameter types (as opposed to the PL/SQL parameter types) for the function (Optional).

The SIGNATURE clause must be in the following form:

Figure 5-2 signature_clause ::=

The path specification describes the function to be called and can have the following two forms:

  • A path specification can consist only of an import specification.

    • An import specification can be a JavaScript identifier that identifies a named export of the module, which must be a function. Alternatively, an import specification can be the reserved word, default. In this case, the default export of the module is used, which must be a function.

  • A path specification can be a composite form consisting of an import specification, followed by a dot and a JavaScript identifier.

    • In this case, the import specification must refer to an object that has a property whose name matches the identifier listed after the dot. The value of the property needs to be a function.

The language-type can either be a built-in JavaScript type (e.g. string or number) or a type provided by MLE (e.g. OracleNumber or OracleDate) that is compatible with the corresponding PL/SQL argument. Note that JSON data maps to the MLE ANY type. For an example covering how to pass JSON from PL/SQL to MLE, see Working with JSON Data. For more information about what types are provided by MLE through the built-in module mle-js-plsqltypes, see Server-Side JavaScript API Documentation.

function-name can include any alphanumeric characters as well as underscores and periods.

When the call specification is a function, the type of the return value is not specified in the SIGNATURE clause. Rather, the function can return any JavaScript type that is compatible with the PL/SQL type specified in the call specification's RETURN clause.


The parsing and resolution of the SIGNATURE clause happens lazily when the MLE function is executed for the first time. It is only at this point that any resolution or syntax errors in the SIGNATURE clause are reported, and not when the call specification is created.

Simplified SIGNATURE Clause

CREATE FUNCTION and CREATE PROCEDURE DDL statements also accept a simplified form of the SIGNATURE clause that only specifies the name of the exported function and leaves out the JavaScript language types of the parameters. The default PL/SQL-MLE language type mappings are used in this case.

This example demonstrates the creation of a call specification with a simplified SIGNATURE clause.

    AS MLE MODULE jsmodule
    SIGNATURE 'concat';

When the function concat is called from PL/SQL, the input VARCHAR2 parameters are converted to JavaScript string (the default type mapping for VARCHAR2) before calling the underlying JavaScript function.

See Also:

MLE Type Conversions for more information about type mappings

Creating an Inline MLE Call Specification

Inline MLE call specifications embed JavaScript code directly in the CREATE FUNCTION and CREATE PROCEDURE DDLs.

If you want to quickly implement simple functionality using JavaScript, inline MLE call specifications can be a good choice. With this option, you don't need to deploy a separate module containing the JavaScript code. Rather, the JavaScript function is built into the definition of the call specification itself.

The MLE LANGUAGE clause is used to specify that the function is implemented using JavaScript. The JavaScript function body must be enclosed by a set of delimiters. Double curly braces are commonly used for this purpose, however, you also have the option to choose your own. The beginning and ending delimiter must match and they cannot be reserved words or a dot. For delimiters such as {{...}}, <<...>>, and ((...)), the ending delimiter is the corresponding closing symbol, not an exact match.

The string following the language name is treated as the body of a JavaScript function that implements the functionality of the call specification. When the code is executed, PL/SQL parameters are automatically converted to the default JavaScript type and passed to the JavaScript function as parameters of the same name. Note that unquoted parameter names are mapped to all-uppercase JavaScript names. The value returned by a JavaScript function is converted to the return type of the PL/SQL call specification, just as with call specifications for MLE modules.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about DBMS_MLE subprograms for inline call specifications

Example 5-2 Simple Inline MLE Call Specification

  const d = new Date(theDate);

  //check if the input parameter turns out to be an invalid date
  if (isNaN(d)){
    throw new Error(`${theDate} is not a valid date`);

  //Date.prototype.getTime() returns the number of milliseconds
  //for a given date since epoch, which is defined as midnight
  //on January 1, 1970, UTC
  return d.getTime();

You can call the function created in the preceding inline call specification using the following SQL statement:

      '29.02.2024 11.34.22 -05:00',
      'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi:ss tzh:tzm'
  ) epoch_date;



Example 5-3 Inline MLE Call Specification Returning JSON

Note the use of double quotation marks in the function parameter name, strArgs, in Example 5-2. The inclusion preserves the parameter's letter case. Without quotation marks, the parameter name is mapped to an all-uppercase JavaScript name, as seen in this example.

  if ( INPUTSTRING === undefined ) {
    throw `must provide a string in the form of key1=value1;...;keyN=valueN`;

  let myObject = {};
  if ( INPUTSTRING.length === 0 ) {
    return myObject;

  const kvPairs = INPUTSTRING.split(";");
  kvPairs.forEach( pair => {
    const tuple = pair.split("=");
    if ( tuple.length === 1 ) {
      tuple[1] = false;
    } else if ( tuple.length != 2 ) {
      throw "parse error: you need to use exactly one '=' between key and value and not use '=' in either key or value";
    myObject[tuple[0]] = tuple[1];

  return myObject;

The function created in the preceding inline call specification can be called using the following SQL statement:

SELECT p_string_to_json('Hello=Greeting');


Components of an Inline MLE Call Specification

The elements of an inline MLE call specification are listed along with descriptions.

Figure 5-5 MLE Inline Call Specification Syntax

Table 5-2 Components of an Inline MLE Call Specification

Element Name Description
OR REPLACE Specifies that the function should be replaced if it already exists. This clause can be used to change the definition of an existing function without dropping, recreating, and re-granting object privileges previously granted on the function. Users who had previously been granted privileges on a recreated function or procedure can still access the function without being re-granted the privileges.

Specifies that the function should be created if it does not already exist. If a function by the same name does exist, the statement is ignored without error and the original function body remains unchanged. Note that SQL*Plus will display the same output message regardless of whether the command is ignored or executed, ensuring that your DDL scripts remain idempotent.

IF NOT EXISTS cannot be used in combination with OR REPLACE.

schema Specifies the schema that will contain the call specification. If the schema is omitted, the call specification is created in the schema of the current user.
call_spec_name Specifies the name of the call specification to be created. Call specifications are created in the default namespace, unlike MLE modules and environments, which use dedicated namespaces.
param_declaration Specifies the call specification's parameters. If no parameters are specified, parentheses must be omitted.
RETURN datatype Only used for functions and specifies the data type of the return value of the function. The return value can have any data type supported by MLE. Only the data type is specified; length, precision, or scale information must be omitted.
invoker_rights_clause Specifies whether a function is invoker's or definer's rights.
  • AUTHID CURRENT_USER creates an invoker's rights function or procedure.
  • AUTHID DEFINER creates a definer's rights function or procedure.

If the AUTHID clause is omitted, the call specification is created with definer's rights by default. The AUTHID clause on MLE call specifications has the exact same semantics as on PL/SQL functions and procedures.

deterministic_clause Only used for functions and indicates that the function returns the same result value whenever it is called with the same values for its parameters. As with PL/SQL functions, this clause should not be used for functions that access the database in any way that might affect the return result of the function. The results of doing so will not be captured if the database chooses not to re-execute the function.
MLE LANGUAGE Specifies the language of the following code, for example, JavaScript. The string following the language name is interpreted as MLE language code implementing the desired functionality. For JavaScript, this embedded code is interpreted as the body of a JavaScript function.
Accessing Built-in Modules Using JavaScript Global Variables

Rather than importing MLE built-in modules in the same way as call specifications for MLE modules, inline MLE call specifications utilize prepopulated JavaScript globals to access built-in module functionality.

Inline MLE call specifications cannot import MLE modules, both built-in and custom. Instead, JavaScript global variables, such as the session variable, provide access to the functionality of built-in modules like the JavaScript MLE SQL driver. For more information about the availability of objects in the global scope, see Working with the MLE JavaScript Driver.

See Also:

Server-Side JavaScript API Documentation for more information about the built-in JavaScript modules

Choosing Inline Versus Module MLE Call Specifications

Each option provides its own advantages and disadvantages depending on your use case.

Inline MLE call specifications can simplify the development workflow and provide a way to quickly implement simple JavaScript functionality, as there is no need to deploy a separate module containing the JavaScript code. This is a convenient option if you only need to implement a single JavaScript function. You can use JavaScript global variables to access the functionality of MLE built-in modules but, because inline MLE call specifications are not associated with an MLE environment, modules cannot be imported.

Call specifications for MLE modules offer more flexibility in terms of complexity and ability to import functionality from other modules, built-in and custom. You also have the option to override the default JavaScript type mapping, which is not possible with MLE inline call specifications. Call specifications for MLE modules should be used for larger pieces of JavaScript code as well as for code that you intend to reuse in other JavaScript code using imports.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about DBMS_MLE subprograms for MLE call specifications

Runtime Isolation for an MLE Call Specification

MLE uses execution contexts to maintain runtime state isolation. Call specifications are associated with separate contexts when they do not share the same user, module, and environment.

MLE execution contexts act as standalone, isolated runtime environments. All JavaScript code that shares an execution context has full access to all of its runtime state (e.g. any global variables previously defined). Otherwise, there is no way for code executing in one execution context to see or modify runtime state in another execution context. Execution contexts for call specifications are created transparently on the first call to any of the corresponding call specifications. For more information, see About MLE Execution Contexts.

When executing call specifications in a session, MLE loads the module specified in the call specification and calls the function(s) exported by that module. In order for the execution of two call specifications to share the same execution context, they must export a function from the same MLE module, use the same environment, and be executed by the same user. SQL or PL/SQL calls on behalf of different users within the same session are never executed in the same execution context.

The runtime representation of a module is stateful. State constitutes, for example, variables in the JavaScript module as well as variables in the global scope accessible to code in the module. Within the same session, MLE may employ multiple module contexts to execute call specifications. If either the module or the environment referred to by a call specification change, any execution context is invalidated and an error is thrown. Example 5-4 demonstrates this concept.

Session state is very important for data integrity. Not catching errors related to changed session state (ORA-04106 for module changes and ORA-04107 for environment changes in JavaScript, as well as ORA-04068 for PL/SQL packages) can result in silent data corruption. Setting the initialization parameter SESSION_EXIT_ON_PACKAGE_STATE_ERROR to TRUE forces sessions to be disconnected if the session state is invalidated. Because many applications capture session disconnect, this option can help simplify the recovery from the invalidation of existing session state. For more information about SESSION_EXIT_ON_PACKAGE_STATE_ERROR, see Oracle Database Reference.


Storing state in packages and JavaScript modules is not recommended. Session state is best handled by the database.

All definer's rights call specifications that publish functions from the same MLE module (and use the same environment) will share the same execution context because all execution happens on behalf of the definer. Conversely, there is a separate execution context per calling user when a call specification is declared as invoker's rights.

For more information about how to build a call specification, see Components of an MLE Call Specification.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for information about using SESSION_EXIT_ON_PACKAGE_STATE_ERROR to specify behavior when PL/SQL package state is invalidated

Example 5-4 Execution Context Dependencies

This example demonstrates the fact that if a module or environment changes, any associated execution context(s) are invalidated.


let myCounter = 0;

export function incrementCounter(){
    return ++myCounter;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION increment_and_get_counter
AS MLE MODULE count_module
SIGNATURE 'incrementCounter';

Session 1 creates its execution context by invoking the function increment_and_get_counter:

SQL> SELECT increment_and_get_counter;


SQL> SELECT increment_and_get_counter;


Another user invoking the function from a different session, we'll say session 2, creates another execution context, separate from the first session's context:

SQL> SELECT increment_and_get_counter;


The user in session 1 recreates the MLE module with some new comments added to the function:


let myCounter = 0;

* increments a counter before returning the value
* to the caller
*@returns {number} the value of the counter
export function incrementCounter(){
    return ++myCounter;

This operation signals to all execution contexts referring to count_module that their session state should be invalidated. Session 2 gets an error in response to the invalidation:

SQL> SELECT increment_and_get_counter;

SELECT increment_and_get_counter
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04106: Module USER2.COUNT_MODULE referred to by INCREMENT_AND_GET_COUNTER has been modified since the execution context was created.

The next invocation of the function in session 2 starts off with a reinitialized session state:

SQL> SELECT increment_and_get_counter;


Just as with PL/SQL packages, invoking the function from session 1 does not result in an error. Nevertheless, the session state has been discarded as shown by a subsequent call to the function:

SQL> SELECT increment_and_get_counter;


If the initialization parameter SESSION_EXIT_ON_PACKAGE_STATE_ERROR is set to TRUE in session 2, the ORA-04106 error is thrown and the connection to the database is cut:

SELECT increment_and_get_counter;
SELECT increment_and_get_counter
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04106: Module USER2.COUNT_MODULE referred to by INCREMENT_AND_GET_COUNTER has been modified since the execution context was created.

ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE

Dictionary Views for Call Specifications

Metadata about JavaScript call specifications is available in the data dictionary using the [USER | ALL | DBA | CDB]_MLE_PROCEDURES views. The family of views maps call specifications (package, function, procedure) to JavaScript modules. This dictionary view is closely modeled after the *_PROCEDURES views.

For more information about *_MLE_PROCEDURES, see Oracle Database Reference.

Example 5-5 Show JavaScript Call Specification Metadata


SQL*Plus output:

------------  ---------------  ----------------------  ---------   ------------
CONCATENATE                    concat(string, string)              JSMODULE
DO_NOTHING                     doNothing(string)                   JSMODULE

OUT and IN OUT Parameters

Use OUT and IN OUT parameters with MLE JavaScript functions.

MLE JavaScript functions support IN OUT and OUT parameters in addition to IN parameters, just as they are supported in PL/SQL functions and procedures. These are declared as IN OUT and OUT in the list of arguments of an MLE call specification.

Because JavaScript has no notion of output parameters, the JavaScript implementation instead accepts objects that wrap the parameter value. Concretely, the shape of these wrapper objects is described by the following generic TypeScript interfaces InOut and Out (for IN OUT and OUT parameters, respectively):

Interface InOut<T> {
    Value : T;
Interface Out<T> {
    Value : T;

Note that OUT and IN OUT parameters are passed to JavaScript functions as JavaScript objects whose only property, value, exposes the value of the argument. This means that, in order to read, write, and use the value of an OUT or IN OUT argument, it must first be unwrapped by accessing its value property. This is done in order to simulate a pass-by-reference implementation, which does not exist in JavaScript. For example, the substitute() function in Example 5-6 must first unwrap its IN OUT argument, sentence, by retrieving its value property before calling match() on it. Attempting to call match() on sentence directly would fail, as sentence is only the value wrapper. These wrapper classes are never needed in DBMS_MLE, which does not make use of OUT and IN OUT parameters.

Example 5-6 OUT and IN OUT Parameters with JavaScript

Consider an MLE function, substitute(), that takes a VARCHAR2 IN OUT parameter, sentence, and replaces all occurrences of the second parameter, replaceThis, with the third parameter, withThat, then returns the number of occurrences of replaceThis in sentence.

CREATE OR REPLACE MLE MODULE in_out_example_mod 

export function substitute (sentence, replaceThis, withThat) {
     *  substitute: substitutes `replaceThis` in `sentence` with
     *              `replaceThat`
     * parameters: 
     * - sentence: the input sentence
     * - replaceThis: a word to be replaced in `sentence`
     * - withThat: the new word to be used instead of `replaceThis`
    const occurrences = 
        (sentence.value.match(replaceThis) || []).length;
    sentence.value = sentence.value.replace(replaceThis, withThat);
    return occurrences;
    p_sentence       IN OUT VARCHAR2,
    p_replaceThis    IN VARCHAR2,
    p_withThat       IN VARCHAR2
AS MLE MODULE in_out_example_mod
SIGNATURE 'substitute(InOut<string>, string, string)';

The SIGNATURE clause of the call specification lists the parameter type of the JavaScript function's sentence parameter as InOut<string>. The input VARCHAR2 value is therefore converted to a JavaScript string, that is then wrapped in an object and passed to the JavaScript function substitute().

EXEC dbms_session.reset_package

  l_sentence    varchar2(100) := 'people are enjoying the rain';
  l_replaceThis varchar2(100) := 'rain';
  l_withThat    varchar2(100) := 'sun';
  l_occurrences pls_integer;
  dbms_output.put_line('sentence before: ' || l_sentence);
  l_occurrences := f_substitute(
    l_sentence, l_replaceThis, l_withThat);
  if l_occurrences <> 0 then
    dbms_output.put_line('sentence after: ' || l_sentence);
    dbms_output.put_line('no text replacement performed');
  end if;


sentence before: people are enjoying the rain
sentence after: people are enjoying the sun