The image shows the simplified workflow for using SODA for in-database JavaScript. The image is organized as a flow chart that includes two boxes arranged vertically and connected by arrows, starting from the top. Each box is divided in two parts, the name of the step on the left and a corresponding example code element on the right.

The first box is labeled "Create or open a collection" and includes the following example code element to the right:
// soda refers to the SodaDatabase and is
 // available in the global scope
const collection = soda.createCollection('myCollection');
The second box is labeled "Work with SODA documents" and includes the following example code element to the right:
const myDoc = {
  "employee_id": 100,
  "job_id": "AD_PRES",
  "last_name": "King",
  "first_name": "Steven",
  "email": "SKING",
  "manager_id": null,
  "department_id": 90
const result = collection.insertOneAndGet(myDoc);