Quick Start

This section provides a brief overview of how to get started using the Oracle Spatial REST APIs for the following Spatial features:

Learn about the Spatial GeoRaster API

Effective with Oracle Database Release 23ai, Oracle Spatial enables developers to access GeoRaster data and GeoRaster features through the GeoRaster REST API endpoints.

The endpoints in the GeoRaster REST API can be divided into the following four categories:

  • Data Access Endpoints: Allows users to list the GeoRaster tables in the schema, list the GeoRaster objects in a table, retrieve an individual GeoRaster object with its metadata, retrieve the cell values of a GeoRaster object, or retrieve and render the GeoRaster object binary data in image or raw binary data format.
  • Data Processing Endpoints: Allows users to invoke the GeoRaster PL/SQL package methods to process and manage the GeoRaster objects in the database.
  • Import and Export Endpoints: Allows users to upload raster data into Oracle Database or download raster data from the database into the files.
  • Virtual Mosaic Endpoints: Allows users to create a virtual mosaic over a set of GeoRaster objects in Oracle Database and retrieve and render the virtual mosaic data in image or raw binary data format.

Learn about the Spatial Network Data Model Contraction Hierarchies API

Contraction hierarchies can be used to find the shortest path in a graph, potentially providing better performance than traditional shortest path algorithms like Dijkstra or A*.

Thus, effective with Release 21c, Spatial provides two approaches for using the network data model:

  • Load on demand (LOD) to support customization with business rules and data.
  • Contraction hierarchies, including a REST API for easy web services development and deployment with static networks.

For more information, see the topic Network Management and Analysis Using Contraction Hierarchies in Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Model Developer's Guide.

Prepare a Testing Environment

You can use cURL to test the Spatial REST API endpoints. See Testing the REST APIs for more information.