Get the Status of an Import/Export Job



Get the status of the import/export job with the specified job ID. The amount of concurrent job is limited so a job can remain in queued state depending on server resource availability.


Path Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

List import/export jobs queued, executing or complited.
Body ()
Root Schema : jobDetails
Type: object
Show Source

401 Response

Authentication information is missing or invalid
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The following is an example on how to get all information related to a job by submitting a GET request using cURL.

curl -X GET "https://localhost:8080/oraclespatial/georaster/v1/datasource1/jobs/29583" -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=<jsessionid_value>"

The following is an example of a response body for the above request when the job is running:

   "id" : 29583,
   "status" : "RUNNING",
   "type" : "IMPORT",
   "fileName" : "world.tif",
   "progress" : 0,
   "task_creation_time" : "2023-02-07 18:20:39+0000",
   "start_time" : "2023-02-07 18:20:39+0000",
   "estimated_end_time" : "2023-02-07 18:24:02+0000"

The following is an example of a response body for the above request when the job is finished but with an error:

   "id" : 29583,
   "status" : "FINISHED",
   "type" : "IMPORT",
   "fileName" : "world.tif",
   "progress" : 100,
   "task_creation_time" : "2023-02-07 18:20:36+0000",
   "start_time" : "2023-02-07 18:20:36+0000",
   "end_time" : "2023-02-07 18:20:36+0000",
   "error" : "Source raster, No such file or directory"
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