
Native Representation of Graphs in Oracle Database

Oracle Database now has native support for property graph data structures and graph queries.

Property graphs provide an intuitive way to find direct or indirect dependencies in data elements and extract insights from these relationships. The enterprise-grade manageability, security features, and performance features of Oracle Database are extended to property graphs. Developers can easily build graph applications using existing tools, languages, and development frameworks. They can use graphs in conjunction with transactional data, JSON, Spatial, and other data types.

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Support for the ISO/IEC SQL Property Graph Queries (SQL/PGQ) Standard

The ISO SQL standard has been extended to include comprehensive support for property graph queries and creating property graphs in SQL. Oracle is among the first commercial software products to support this standard.

Developers can easily build graph applications with SQL using existing SQL development tools and frameworks. Support of the ISO SQL standard allows for greater code portability and reduces the risk of application lock-in.

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Property Graph: Native Representation of Graphs in Oracle Database

Oracle Database now has native support for property graph data structures and graph queries.

Property graphs provide an intuitive way to find direct or indirect dependencies in data elements and extract insights from these relationships. The enterprise-grade manageability, security features, and performance features of Oracle Database are extended to property graphs. Developers can easily build graph applications using existing tools, languages, and development frameworks. They can use graphs in conjunction with transactional data, JSON, Spatial, and other data types.

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Property Graph: Support for the ISO/IEC SQL Property Graph Queries (SQL/PGQ) Standard

The ISO SQL standard has been extended to include comprehensive support for property graph queries and creating property graphs in SQL. Oracle is among the first commercial software products to support this standard.

Developers can easily build graph applications with SQL using existing SQL development tools and frameworks. Support of the ISO SQL standard allows for greater code portability and reduces the risk of application lock-in.

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Property Graph: Use JSON Collections as a Graph Data Source

SQL/PGQ queries can be executed on graphs represented as a JSON column (SQL/PGQ is the ISO standard for property graphs).

Developers can store a graph as a schema-less object in the database. Vertices and edges in a graph can have varying number and types of properties.

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Property Graph: Use Native Representation of Graphs in Oracle Database with Graph Tools

Developers can visualize graphs and graph query results that use the native property graph object in Oracle Database.

Developers can query, analyze, and visualize graphs created by SQL DDL statements by using built-in advanced tools in Oracle Database. Existing applications can use this native representation of graphs without changing tools and the user interface.

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RDF Graph: Execute Graph Analytics Algorithms with RDF Graphs

Oracle Graph algorithms in Graph Server can be used with RDF graphs.

You can now benefit from popular graph analytics algorithms, such as PageRank and Community Detection, potentially enhancing strategic decision-making and enabling deeper insights.

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