8 Deleting True Cache
You can delete True Cache with Oracle DBCA or manually.
8.1 Using Oracle DBCA to Delete True Cache
You can use Oracle DBCA to clean up the True Cache services and delete True Cache.
8.1.1 Cleaning Up the True Cache Services from the Primary Database
To delete True Cache, you need to clean up its corresponding services on the primary database.
Run the following command on the primary database to delete all the services
that correspond to the True Cache that you're planning to
ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -configureDatabase -cleanupTrueCacheInstanceService -sourceDB primary_sid_or_db_unique_name -trueCacheConnectString true_cache_easy_connect_string -serviceName primary_service_name -trueCacheServiceName true_cache_service_name -silent
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -configureDatabase -cleanupTrueCacheInstanceService -sourceDB primdb1i -trueCacheConnectString tc.example.com:1522/tcdb1.example.com -serviceName sales -trueCacheServiceName sales_tc -silent
For descriptions of the parameters, see configureDatabase.
8.2 Deleting True Cache Manually
To delete True Cache manually, use the following commands.
connect / as SYSDBA;
shutdown immediate;
startup mount exclusive restrict;
drop true cache;
This does not drop the primary database. It deletes the True CacheSPFILE
; drops the True Cache control, standby log, and
temporary files; and removes LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST
entries from the
primary database.