2.2 Configuring True Cache with Oracle DBCA

The simplest way to configure a True Cache environment is to use Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (Oracle DBCA).

Oracle DBCA is an assistant tool that comes with Oracle Database to simplify the process of creating, configuring, and managing Oracle databases and True Caches.


True Cache for Oracle Database Free has a simplified configuration process. Get started with the Oracle Database Free Installation Guide for your platform. See Configuring True Cache on Oracle Database Free (Linux) or Configuring True Cache on Oracle Database Free (Windows).

2.2.1 Prerequisites

Before configuring True Cache, complete the following prerequisites.

  • Set up a network path to access the primary (source) database with an Easy Connect (EZConnect) string from the True Cache node.
  • Install the Oracle Database software on the True Cache nodes.
  • Ensure that a primary database is running on the primary node in archive logging (ARCHIVELOG) mode.

    The primary database must be in ARCHIVELOG mode to ship redo log files to the True Cache node. Oracle DBCA verifies that the primary database is in ARCHIVELOG mode.

    If the primary database is not in ARCHIVELOG mode, restart it in mount mode, run the ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG command, and open the primary database again.

  • Don't set LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG and LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n on the primary database. True Cache automatically configures these for the primary database.

2.2.2 Creating True Cache with DBCA

Follow these steps to create True Cache with Oracle DBCA.

  1. Copy the password file, and optionally the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) wallet, from the primary database to the True Cache node. You can use either of the following methods:

    • Manually copy the primary database's password file (and optional TDE wallet) to any location on the True Cache node.
    • Run a DBCA command on the primary database to package the password file (and optional TDE wallet) into a configuration BLOB file. Then copy the file to the True Cache node and ensure that the file is owned by the Oracle Home user.

      Use the following command to prepare the configuration BLOB file on the primary database:

      ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -configureDatabase -prepareTrueCacheConfigFile -sourceDB primary_db_sid_or_db_unique_name -trueCacheBlobLocation primary_db_config_blob_path -silent


      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -configureDatabase -prepareTrueCacheConfigFile -sourceDB primdb1i -trueCacheBlobLocation /tmp/blob_loc2 -silent

      For descriptions of the parameters, see configureDatabase.

  2. On the True Cache node, run the -createTrueCache command to complete the True Cache configuration and start True Cache.

    Choose one of the following command formats, depending on the method that you used to copy the primary database's password file (and optional TDE wallet) to the True Cache node in step 1.

    • If you manually copied the password file (and optional TDE wallet), use this command:

      ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -createTrueCache -gdbName true_cache_global_name -sid true_cache_sid -sourceDBConnectionString primary_db_easy_connect_string -passwordFileFromSourceDB password_file_path -sgaTargetInMB sga_memory_size -pgaAggregateTargetInMB pga_memory_size -silent

      Example using a password file:

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -createTrueCache -gdbName tcdb1 -sid tcdb1 -sourceDBConnectionString primary.example.com:1522/primdb1i.example.com -passwordFileFromSourceDB /tmp/password_loc2/orapwddbmc1 -sgaTargetInMB 20000 -pgaAggregateTargetInMB 4000 -silent
    • If you created the configuration BLOB file, use this command:

      ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -createTrueCache -gdbName true_cache_global_name -sid true_cache_sid -sourceDBConnectionString primary_db_easy_connect_string -trueCacheBlobFromSourceDB true_cache_config_blob_path -sgaTargetInMB sga_memory_size -pgaAggregateTargetInMB pga_memory_size -tdeWalletLoginType AUTO_LOGIN -listeners listener_name -silent

      Example using a TDE wallet:

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -createTrueCache -gdbName tcdb1 -sid tcdb1 -sourceDBConnectionString primary.example.com:1522/primdb1i.example.com -trueCacheBlobFromSourceDB /tmp/blob_loc2/blob.tar.gz -sgaTargetInMB 20000 -pgaAggregateTargetInMB 4000 -tdeWalletLoginType AUTO_LOGIN -listeners LISTENER -silent

    For descriptions of the parameters, see createTrueCache.


    For Oracle RAC primary databases, set the -sourceDBConnectionString parameter to SCAN:port/service_name.

2.2.3 Configuring True Cache Database Application Services with DBCA

To use True Cache with the JDBC Thin driver, for each primary database application service that you want to cache, create a corresponding True Cache database application service.

This makes it easy for applications to switch an existing JDBC connection from a primary database to True Cache without having to change the JDBC connection URL. This is possible with the 23ai JDBC Thin driver by setting the ReadOnly parameter of the connection to TRUE or FALSE.

On the primary database, complete the following steps:

  1. Configure the remote listener.


    Check to see if Valid Node Checking for Registration (VNCR) is configured for the listener. If so, add True Cache to the REGISTRATION_INVITED_NODES_LISTENER parameter in the listener.ora file of the remote listener.


    For Oracle RAC primary databases, add the True Cache node to the invited node list for the SCAN listener by using the srvctl command line utility. (Don't manually edit the listener.ora file as the grid owner user.)

    For example:

    srvctl modify scan_listener -invitednodes true_cache_host -endpoints TCP:port
  2. Create and start a primary database application service to use with the True Cache service, and then verify that the service is running.

    Choose one of the following options based on the primary database configuration:

    • For single instance primary databases, use the DBMS_SERVICE PL/SQL package. For services that are specific to a pluggable database (PDB), connect to the specific PDB, or set the correct PDB container in your session before starting the service using DBMS_SERVICE.

      Here's an example using the DBMS_SERVICE package for a single instance primary database:

      PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
      SELECT service_id, name, true_cache_service FROM v$active_services WHERE name='SALES';
      ---------- ------------------ ------------------
               6 SALES
      // TRUE_CACHE_SERVICE will be filled in by this (dbca -configureTrueCacheInstanceService) command
    • For Oracle RAC primary databases, use the srvctl command line utility to add the primary database service. Start the service on the primary instance. Use srvctl only for Oracle Clusterware-managed instances.

      srvctl add service -db primary_db_unique_name -service primary_db_service_name -preferred primary_db_instance_list -pdb primary_pdb_name

      For example:

      srvctl add service -db primdb1i -service sales -preferred primdb1i1,primdb1i2 -pdb sales_pdb
  3. Run the dbca -configureDatabase command with the -configureTrueCacheInstanceService parameter to configure True Cache.

    This configures the True Cache database application service on the primary database and then starts the True Cache service on True Cache. Run this command for each True Cache database application service.


    The primary database application service must already exist before you run this command.


    For a uniform True Cache configuration with multiple True Caches serving the same service, DBCA starts the service on the first True Cache and then you manually start the service on the other True Caches.
    ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -configureDatabase -configureTrueCacheInstanceService -sourceDB primary_db_sid_or_db_unique_name -trueCacheConnectString true_cache_easy_connect_string -trueCacheServiceName true_cache_service_name -serviceName primary_db_service_name -pdbName primary_pdb_name -silent


    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -configureDatabase -configureTrueCacheInstanceService -sourceDB primdb1i -trueCacheConnectString tc.example.com:1522/tcdb1.example.com -trueCacheServiceName sales_tc -serviceName sales -pdbName sales_pdb -silent

    For descriptions of the parameters, see configureDatabase.

  4. After the database application service starts on True Cache, use the lsnrctl command to validate the remote listener services for the True Cache service registration.

    See Verifying the Remote Listener Configuration.

  5. For a uniform True Cache configuration with multiple True Caches serving the same service, start the service on all additional True Caches. For example:


2.2.4 Oracle DBCA Commands and Parameters for True Cache

Use the following Oracle DBCA commands and parameters to configure True Cache. configureDatabase

The configureDatabase command configures the primary database for True Cache. Run this command on the primary database.


For True Cache, use the dbca -configureDatabase command with the following syntax.


This table lists the configureDatabase parameters that are specific to True Cache. For the full syntax and parameters, see configureDatabase in the Oracle Multitenant Administrator's Guide.

Table 2-1 configureDatabase Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description
--prepareTrueCacheConfigFile Required for True Cache

Use this option to prepare a configuration BLOB file that contains the primary database's password file or wallet.

Enter the following additional parameters for this option:

  • -sourceDB: Enter the primary database system identifier (SID) or database unique name (DB_UNIQUE_NAME).
  • -tdeWalletPassword: If the primary database uses a Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) wallet, enter the password for the wallet. This parameter is optional.
  • -trueCacheBlobLocation: Enter the path where you want to save the configuration BLOB file on the primary database. This parameter is optional.
-configureTrueCacheInstanceService Required for True Cache

Use this option to configure the True Cache database application service on the primary database and start the service on True Cache.

Enter the following additional parameters for this option:

  • -serviceName: Enter the primary database application service name.
  • -sourceDB: For a single instance database, enter the primary database SID. For an Oracle RAC database, enter the database unique name (DB_UNIQUE_NAME).
  • -trueCacheConnectString: Enter the Easy Connect (EZConnect) string to connect to True Cache.

    Example: host:port/service_name

  • -trueCacheServiceName: Enter a name for the True Cache database application service.
  • -pdbName: Enter the primary pluggable database (PDB) name. This parameter is required to create the True Cache service for a PDB. In this case serviceName is an existing PDB service name in the primary database.
-cleanupTrueCacheInstanceService Required for True Cache

Use this option to remove the True Cache database application services from the primary database configuration if, for example, you delete True Cache.

Enter the following additional parameters for this option:

  • -serviceName: Enter the primary database application service name.
  • -sourceDB: Enter the primary database SID or database unique name (DB_UNIQUE_NAME).
  • -trueCacheConnectString: Enter the Easy Connect (EZConnect) string to connect to True Cache.

    Example: host:port/service_name

  • -trueCacheServiceName: Enter a name for the True Cache database application service. createTrueCache

The createTrueCache command configures True Cache. Run this command on the True Cache node.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -createTrueCache command with the following syntax:

dbca -createTrueCache
   -dbUniqueName true_cache_unique_name | -gdbName true_cache_global_name
   -sourceDBConnectionString primary_db_easy_connect_string
   -trueCacheBlobFromSourceDB true_cache_config_blob_path | -passwordFileFromSourceDB password_file_path
      [-tdeWalletFromSourceDB tde_wallet_path]
   [-createListener new_database_listener]
   [-datafileDestination true_cache_control_file_path
   [-initParams initialization_parameters_list
      [-initParamsEscapeChar initialization_parameters_escape_character]]
   [-listeners listener_list]
   [-pgaAggregateTargetInMB pga_memory_size]
   [-sgaTargetInMB sga_memory_size]
   [-sid true_cache_sid]
   [-sourceTdeWalletPassword primary_db_wallet_password]
   [-tdeWalletRoot tde_wallet_root_init_parameter]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
      -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory
      [-dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password]]

Table 2-2 createTrueCache Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description






Required Enter either the unique name for this True Cache or the global database name.




Enter the Easy Connect (EZConnect) string to connect to the primary database.

Example: host:port/service_name

Note: For Oracle RAC primary databases, set the -sourceDBConnectionString parameter to SCAN:port/service_name.







Enter one of the following:

  • The full path and file name for the configuration BLOB file that contains the primary database's password file or wallet. This is the path where the file is located on the True Cache node.
  • The path to the primary database's password file that was copied to the True Cache node.

If you use -passwordFileFromSourceDB, you can also enter the following additional parameter:

-tdeWalletFromSourceDB: Enter the path to the primary database's Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) wallet file that was copied to the True Cache node. You can copy and use the TDE wallet file only if the primary (source) database has TDE enabled. Otherwise, the wallet file isn't required.



Optional Enter a new database listener to be created and to register the database in the form LISTENER_NAME:PORT.




Enter the location where the True Cache control file, standby redo log groups, and temporary data files are to be stored.

If Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) storage is used for True Cache, enter the disk group name for -datafileDestination and use the following additional parameter:

-useOMF: Enter true to use Oracle-Managed Files (OMF). Otherwise, enter false.




Enter a comma-separated list of name=value pairs with additional initialization parameter values for this True Cache.

You can also provide the -initParamsEscapeChar parameter for using a specific escape character between multiple values of an initialization parameter. If an escape character is not specified, backslash (\) is used as the default escape character.



Optional If one or more listeners already exist, enter a comma-separated list of existing listeners that the database can be configured with. If you don't specify the existing listeners, DBCA creates a new listener.



Optional Enter a value in MB for the target aggregate Program Global Area (PGA) memory to make available to all server processes that are attached to this True Cache.



Optional Enter a value in MB for the System Global Area (SGA) memory size for this True Cache.



Optional Enter the system identifier (SID) for this True Cache.



Optional If the primary database uses a TDE wallet, enter the password for the wallet.




Oracle recommends the AUTO_LOGIN or LOCAL_AUTO_LOGIN wallet for True Cache to avoid having to manually open a password wallet for each True Cache startup.

To learn more about wallet types, see About Oracle Database Wallets



Optional Enter the location for the True Cache TDE wallet root initialization parameter, which specifies where to place the wallet for True Cache.


{true | false}


If the primary database uses Oracle Wallet for database credentials, enter true. The default is false.

If you enter true, also enter the following additional parameters:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Enter the path of the directory that contains the Oracle Wallet files.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Enter the password for the Oracle Wallet account to open the wallet with auto-login disabled. This parameter is optional.

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