5.2 Using the Automatic Workload Repository for True Cache

You can use the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) to gather performance statistics for True Cache.

You can run these steps on the primary database or on True Cache.

  1. Enable the AWR snapshot service for True Cache by entering the following SQL commands:

    alter session set container = CDB$ROOT;
        dbid => NULL,
        snap_type => 'WORKLOAD',
        snap_action => 'CREATE');
  2. Generate the AWR snapshot report by going to the $ORACLE_HOME directory and running the following script:
  3. Specify whether you want an HTML or a text report. For example:

    Enter value for report_type: text

    The output displays a list of available database identifiers and instance numbers.

  4. Enter the database identifier (dbid) and instance number (inst_num) for True Cache. For example:

    Enter value for dbid: 3309173529
    Using 3309173529 for database Id
    Enter value for inst_num: 1
  5. Specify the number of days for which you want to list snapshot IDs. For example:

    Enter value for num_days: 2

    The output displays a list of existing snapshots for the specified time range.

  6. Specify beginning and ending snapshot IDs for the workload repository report. For example:

    Enter value for begin_snap: 150
    Enter value for end_snap: 160
  7. Enter a report name or accept the default report name. For example:

    Enter value for report_name: 
    Using the report name awrrpt_1_150_160