2.5.3 Verifying the True Cache and Primary Database Application Services

Verify that all database application services are active on both the primary database and True Cache.

True Cache

  1. Run SQL*Plus on True Cache.

    sqlplus / as SYSDBA
  2. Enter the following query:

    SELECT service_id, name FROM v$active_services WHERE name='true_cache_service_name';

    For example:

    SELECT service_id, name FROM v$active_services WHERE name='SALES_TC';
    ----------  ---------
            28  SALES_TC

Primary Database

  1. Run SQL*Plus on the primary database.

    sqlplus / as SYSDBA
  2. Enter the following query:

    SELECT service_id, name, true_cache_service FROM v$active_services WHERE name='primary_db_service_name';

    For example:

    SELECT service_id, name, true_cache_service FROM v$active_services WHERE name='SALES';
    ----------   ------  ----------------
            29   SALES   SALES_TC