
This property gets or sets the configuration file location at the process level where the OCI token authentication values can be found.


// C#
public static string OciConfigurationFile { get; set; }

Property Type



This parameter is applicable to the OCI API key and OCI interactive authentication flows only and is optional.

The file names do not need to be specified since ODP.NET uses the standard file names.

If this parameter is not set, then ODP.NET uses the OCI config file in the default location: C:/<user-profile>/.oci/config. If the parameter is not set and the default configuration file is not found, then the user is prompted on the console to provide a region id for the OCI interactive authentication flow. A list of possible region ids will be displayed to the user. In the case of the OCI API key flow, the user will see an error.

On Windows, the Oracle HOME and USERPROFILE environment variables are used for the default directory location if they are set. Otherwise, Oracle HOMEPATH and HOMEDRIVE environment variables are used.