
This property specifies the TLS/SSL certificate thumbprint in the certificate store for the ODP.NET connection to use.


// C#
public static string SSLCertificateThumbprint { get; set;}


When there are multiple certificates possible for ODP.NET to use from the certificate store, specifying the thumbprint tells ODP.NET which certificate to connect the user with. This avoids the user from performing certificate selection manually, such as via a graphical interface. Users can select a certificate manually using the OracleConnection AllowCertificateSelectionUI property.

ODP.NET supports certificates via thumbprint only and SHA1 algorithm only currently.

ODP.NET expects thumbprints in the format of <Algorithm>:<Hash>. For example,

  • SHA1:1B:11:01:5E:D1:7C:20:B2:62:39:3E:04:7B:83:47:DE:70:2E:4E:44


  • SHA1:1B11015ED17C20B262393E047B8347DE702E4E44