
This property indicates whether to allow the user to select a specific TLS/SSL certificate via a graphical interface for their database connection when using a MCS wallet location.


// C#
public Boolean AllowCertificateSelectionUI { get; set; }

Property Type



The property default value is false.

This property generates a pop up window for the end user to select a TLS/SSL certificate only when all of the following conditions are met:

  • AllowCertificateSelectionUI is set to true

  • App is running on Windows operating system

  • App has specified a Microsoft Certificate Store (MCS) wallet location

  • The connection uses mutual TLS

  • There is more than one private key containing certificates in the MY/CurrentUser MCS

If AllowCertificateSelectionUI is false and configuration-based certificate selection is not set (e.g. thumbprint is not set), then ODP.NET will choose the first certificate with a private key in the MCS.

If enabling this property, set its value to true prior to opening the ODP.NET connection.

ODP.NET will filter out trusted certificates (public key only) from the end user display to simplify their selection process.

After a certificate is selected in the user interface, it is cached via a key. The key value consists of the connection string, database server host, and port number. The cache can be cleared by calling the ClearAllPools() method.

To specify the certificate via a thumbprint instead of a graphical interface, use the OracleConfiguration or OracleConnection SSLCertificateThumbprint property.